Purorrelato 2019. Casa África’s seventh flash fiction competition

Deadline: 1 July 2019
Open to:  any physical person who is over 18 years old
Benefits: cash prizes


Casa África announces the seventh flash fiction competition called «Purorrelato» in order to promote literary creation to encourage us to feel and think about Africa and continue to show us the different realities that will bring us nearer to the continent, far from those stereotypes that for so long have marked it.

The subject is free to choose although the short stories should have some type of link to Africa. The story can take place inside or outside the continent and its degree of connection with Africa can vary from just a detail to the whole part of it.

  • The short stories should be original, unpublished and should not have won a prize or be pending a decision in other competitions or contests. The participants must guarantee that there are no rights from third parties on the short stories presented and they will be liable for any claims that may arise due to this.
  • The short stories can be presented in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese.
  • Each short story must have a maximum of 1,400 characters (not words), excluding the title, i.e., around 200 or 250 words approximately.


  • Any physical person who is over 18 years old will be able to take part in the competition and be of any nationality or resident in any country. They must under no circumstances have any working relationship with the Casa África Consortium;
  • Up to a maximum of three short stories will be admitted per author.


  • The first prize will be for EUR 600. The payment of this prize is subject to the Spanish legislation applicable by the time they transaction is done, regardless of the taxes policy from the winning author’s country of residence. After sending Casa Africa a receipt, invoice or bill, the winner can receive the prize by transfer in their bank account or by any kind of payment service allowed by the Spanish legislation applicable by the time the transaction is done. In any case, taxes, withholdings or expenses which are in effect at the moment of the payment will be applied.
  • The second prize will be for EUR 300 and is subject to the Spanish legislation as seen above.
  • The third prize will be for for EUR 200 and is subject to the Spanish legislation as seen above.
  • The 50 best short stories, chosen by the Jury will form part of a digital publication (see 2013201420152016) that Casa África will publish. This digital edition will feature renowned writers, among them leading African writers who have taken part in Casa África’s Literature Collection and in Casa África’s African Letters programme.
  • The authors chosen autorise and give Casa África the necessary rights to create an electronic edition of the chosen short stories and disseminate them through Casa África’s website and other platforms. These authors will not receive, for these and other concepts, any financial remuneration, except for the authors of the winning three short stories who will receive the prizes set out in point 1 of this Seventh Rule.

How to apply?

The short stories must be presented using the online form. The participating authors must attach a photocopy of their National Identity Card, Passport or Residence permit in the last step of the form.

For more information, please visit the official web page.