Call For Applications: I-PORTUNUS 2019

Deadline: 15 May 2019
Open to: artists and culture professionals aged 18+, active in the fields of performing arts and visual arts, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country
Venue: 15 June – 31 December, Europe


Between April and September 2019, i-Portunus will issue three Calls for Applications, providing support for 350-500 short-term (15-85 days), international mobilities of artists active in the fields of the performing or visual arts and residing in a Creative Europe country. The destination of mobility must be a Creative Europe country. These mobilities must have a specific and well-defined objective, such as to develop an international collaboration, to engage in a production-oriented residency or in professional development, to present work in another country or to develop projects with local communities in the destination country.

This first Call for Applications is for artists and culture professionals aged 18+, active in the fields of performing arts and visual arts, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.

To apply, you should organize a project with a host institution or partner in another Creative Europe country (or in several other countries). In your application, you will need to:

  • describe the project and its main objective,
  • explain how the mobility will allow you to achieve the stated objective,
  • provide documents showing that you have made plans with a partner or host institution and that the partner/host institution is committed to your project. Your application will be judged more favorably if you can show that your project is part of a plan (a personal strategy!) that will lead to the development of new audiences, collaborations, career perspectives, opportunities or other longer-term impacts.


This Call for Applications is for artists and culture professionals aged 18+, active in the fields of performing arts and visual arts, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.

  • Applications must be submitted in English, using the on-line i-Portunus application form, by the deadline;
  • Applications must include all of the information requested in the application form;
  • Applicants must be artists or culture professionals active in the fields of the visual or performing arts, at least 18 years old, and legal residents of a Creative Europe country;
  • The destination of mobility must be a Creative Europe country;
  • The departure date must be on or after 15 June 2019; the return date on or before 31 December 2019. The total length of the mobility must be between 15 and 85 days (including travel days);
  • The Applicant has not previously received i-Portunus mobility support.

Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to the rejection of your application.


i-Portunus provides financial support to help fund the cost of travel (transportation, accommodation etc.) to another Creative Europe country (or several of them in one trip).

The level of support depends on the length of your mobility:

  • 15 to 29 days:
  • 1,500 EUR 30 to 59 days:
  • 2,400 EUR 60 to 84 days: 3,000 EUR
  • 85-days (maximum length): 3,400 EUR

The total budget earmarked for mobility support is estimated at 616,250 EUR (six hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty euros). With this budget, i-Portunus expects to fund between 350-500 applications, approximately. i-Portunus reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.

How to apply?

Apply online through this link.

For more information, please visit the official website.