Online Volunteer: English Proofreader for GVC Lebanon

Deadline: 23 August 2018
Open to: applicants with university studies in Linguistics, Communication or relevant experience


The EU Aid Volunteers initiative provides volunteering opportunities to support communities in disaster-affected countries outside the EU in better preparing for crisis and responding when disaster strikes. As well as volunteering in the countries affected by disaster through full-time deployment, online volunteering is another way to get involved.

Online volunteering is a way of giving your time by completing a volunteering task through the internet at home, work or university. As online volunteering is done without leaving home, financial support is not provided. Online volunteers complement the EU Aid Volunteers initiative by doing practical tasks – in areas like research, technology, translation or design – that support EU Aid Volunteers projects on the ground to reach more people and make their work more effective. For each online assignment successfully completed, online volunteers receive a certificate of completion.

For the present vacancy, the Online Volunteer will support the GVC Global Protection Task Force and contribute to edit and proofread documents, such as training material, guidelines, manuals and technical notes.

This is a great opportunity for those who look to engage in a new sector such as humanitarian and development affairs at global level, and to contribute to the wellbeing of the people in need in all our area of intervention  around the globe. The candidate, with its specific set of skills, will be able to provide a new perspective to the GVC Global Protection Task Force to ensure its goals.


Edit and proofread materials in English.

A member of the Protection Task Force will link and facilitate material to be revised to the Online Volunteer, such as training material, guidelines, manuals and technical notes. The Online Volunteer should: – Read and correct content for errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation and typography. – Proofread layouts and coordinate with graphic designers for publication. Periodic (weekly/bi-weekly) Skype meetings with the member of the Protection Task Force in order to update, revise and coordinate all the work. The Online Volunteer should inform the member of the Protection Task Force of his availability, and in case of expected delays, inform him/her on a timely manner.


University studies in Linguistics, Communication or relevant experience.

Experience in editing and in proofreading communication.

Very good command of English language as well as a good knowledge of typographical rules.

Very good knowledge of IT tools (such as Microsoft Office).

How to apply?

Applications are made directly within the sending organisation, please check out the how to apply section.

For more information please visit the official website.