DBU Scholarship Exchange Programme with CEE Countries

Deadline: varies from country to country
Open to: candidates from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Oblast Kaliningrad, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo
Scholarship: EUR 1,060 monthly


The MOE Scholarship Exchange Program of the German Federal Environmental Foundation enables young scientists from Central and Eastern Europe to gather practically applicable experience for six to twelve months in Germany in the field of environmental protection. DBU activities in the MOE Scholarship Exchange Program now extend across 18 countries, from Estonia to Latvia, Lithuania, Oblast Kaliningrad, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo.

Beyond the advanced professional qualification of the scholarship recipients, the program’s goal is the creation of a long-term network of German, Central and Eastern European experts in the field of environmental and nature protection, and the elimination of obstacles to cooperation across all borders in this work. The international integration takes place through participation in the International Summer Academy and in seminars, in the awarding of the German Environmental Prize, and through the various alumni associations. In all MOE countries, an annual meeting of DBU alumni is held. The majority of applicants come from the disciplines of natural and engineering sciences. They generally favor attending German Universities and extramural research institutes. But also high on the wish list are German companies, associations, ministries and environmental authorities.


  • Applications are accepted from university graduates from the above-named countries of Central and Eastern Europe;
  • The studies program must have been completed with above-average exams (Master‘s, Magister degree/diploma) not more than three years in the past;
  • Applicants must be citizens of one of the previously named countries and have a permanent residence in their home country at the time of the application;
  • Priority for scholarships is given to persons who have not previously studied in Germany;
  • All applicants must have adequate knowledge of the German language and demonstrate this, at the latest, at the beginning of the scholarship period (through a language school diploma/certificate, language level B1);
  • The scholarship is not intended for students who wish to write a doctoral thesis or carry out a doctoral studies program at a German institute of higher learning. Nor is the scholarship for persons who, at the time of their application, are already active in Germany within the framework of advanced qualification or the practice of a profession. PhD students may not complete their doctoral studies during the DBU scholarship program.


All scholarship awards are decided by a jury. After an initial internal vote, applicants with positive evaluations are invited to a selection interview in their home countries. The dates are provided to all candidates in a timely manner.

The scholarship amount is EUR 1,060 monthly. This scholarship is not subject to taxes or social security payments. Each scholarship recipient is also covered by health-accident and liability insurance. The DBU also supports a German language course before the beginning of the scholarship.

How to apply?

The application process takes place online.

In the online process you must provide the following documents:

  • Resume/CV;
  • Project proposal (project idea [3 pages with a description of the problem for which a solution is sought]);
  • Copy of the complete diploma (Master’sor Magister certificate) with translation;
  • Written statement in German by an academic advisor from the home country;
  • Confirmation of language skills (if available).

In order to apply, register HERE.

For more information please visit the official web page.


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