WIZZ Youth Challenge

Deadline: 5 April 2017
Open to: college or university students
Award: 1st prize is UNLIMITED travel on the WIZZ Network for one year


WIZZ Youth Challenge is the first international case study competition from Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline of Central and Eastern Europe.

You will get the opportunity to test your skills, intelligence, expertise and experience to the limits, developing a response to a real-world business situation as well as the possibility of sharing your ideas and expertise with Wizz, an airline which flew 23 million people in 2016.

Your work will be evaluated by Wizz Air’s Executive Management team, which includes some of the most experienced experts in low-cost aviation. If you win the competition, you will have the chance to travel for an entire year across Europe and beyond for free – unlimited travel between 138 destinations in 40 countries. The perfect way to expand your horizons!


  • Teams of students with creative spirit and professional dedication to solve our marketing and aviation related case study;
  • All students who are studying for a BA/BSc or MA/MSc at a university or college can participate.


  • 1st place: UNLIMITED travel on the WIZZ Network for one year;
  • 2nd place: 2 free return tickets on Wizz Air flights for each team member;
  • 3rd place: 1 free return ticket on Wizz Air flights for each team member.

How to Apply?

Teams can register for the competition until 5 April 2017 by fully completing the application form available at the link below and sending it to wizzyouthchallenge@wizzair.com.

For more information please visit the official web page.

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