KAS Eastern Partnership School of Excellency

Deadline: 15 September 2016
Open to: young talents from politics, law, civil society, media, economy and science with minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, no older than 35 year and who are citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine
Scholarship: all visa, travel, accommodation and catering expenses for the individual seminars are covered


With its new Excellence Programme for young talents from politics, law, civil society, media, economy and science from the Eastern Partnership and Russia, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung aims to further the European idea and democratic values through the facilitation of a new generation of elite leaders and future propagators. They are looking for the future elites who wish to actively champion for their country within the European context and who have already proven their past engagement in this area.

Programme Structure:

The Programme is divided into three modules relating to the focal themes (European values and their realization in the democratic constitutional political system, international relations and security policy, economic systems and policies), in order to allow for a targeted transfer of knowledge and expertise.

All participants take part in a basic module with the following contents:

  • Fundamental features of democracy and constitutionality;
  • Leadership skills and organisational structure;
  • Political communication and transparency;
  • Project management.


The programme is aimed at about 100 up-and-coming politicians, journalists/bloggers, experts from non-government organisations and think tanks, as well as young academics, legal experts and members of the scientific community from the countries of the Eastern Partnership who meet the following Participation Requirements:

  • Citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine;
  • Maximum age: 35;
  • Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree;
  • Proven activity within a political youth organisation, NGO, foundation or scientific institution / other sociopolitical engagement;
  • Command of the English language (at least at level B2, verified through individual Skype interviews);
  • Willingness to participate in multiple seminars in various countries over a three year period (about 4 three day seminars per year in Chișinãu, Kiev, Vilnius and other locations.).


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung takes over all visa, travel, accommodation and catering expenses for the individual seminars.

How to Apply?

If you wish to participate in the KAS Eastern Partnership School of Excellency, please fill out the online application form no later than 15 September 2016.

For more information, please check out the official call.

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