Film4Climate Global Video Competition

Deadline: 15 September, 2016
Open to: Filmmakers between the ages of 14-35 years old from all over the world
Prizes: 1st Prize USD 8,000 / 2nd Prize USD 5,000 / 3rd Prize USD 2,000


The Film4Climate Global Video Competition invites filmmakers between the ages of 14-35 years old from all over the world to showcase their talents and create a Public Service Advertisement (PSA) (less than 1 min) or a Short Film (1-5 minutes) about climate action.

The videos should show a personal climate change narrative:

  • What does climate change mean to you?
  • What are you doing to solve the climate challenge?
  • What is your climate message to the world?

In addition, the submissions should emphasize what people around the world are doing to promote action, offer new solutions, and inspire change. Climate Action is the 13th goal under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), though it is widely acknowledge interlink with the other SDGs. In the description of the video please explain how the climate message connects with the other SDGs.

The Judging Panel will select the winning entries (individuals or teams) based on the following equally weighted criteria:

– Content;
– Technical expertise;
– Innovation, originality and impact.


  • Individuals and teams (a maximum limit of five members for any team. Individuals and teams are limited to one entry each;
  • Participants submitting films to the competition must be between 14 to 35 years old;
  • Participants who are considered minors under their national laws must include their parent/legal guardian consent form with their video submissions or their video entry will be immediately disqualified.

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