Post-PhD Research Grants in USA

Deadline: 1 May 2016
Open to: scholars regard to nationality who are close to completing their doctorate or equivalent degree without regard to nationality
Scholarship: the maximum amount of the Post-PhD Research Grant is USD 20,000


The Wenner-Gren Foundation has three major goals – to support significant and innovative anthropological research into humanity’s biological and cultural origins, development and variation, to foster the creation of an international community of research scholars in anthropology, and to provide leadership at the forefronts of the discipline.

The program contributes to the Foundation’s overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity’s cultural and biological origins, development, and variation.

Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study in USA.


  1. Qualified scholars are eligible without regard to nationality, or institutional or departmental affiliation;
  2. Applications are accepted from scholars who are close to completing their doctorate or equivalent degree; however, the grant cannot be awarded until the degree is completed. Note that the Foundation expects the degree to have been completed before the start date for the proposed project given by the applicant on the application form;
  3. Current grantees must have completed all requirements of their existing grant, including submission of the final report, before an application for a new project can be accepted;
  4. Post-PhD Research grant applications that were unsuccessful in a prior funding cycle may be resubmitted only if they are accompanied by a resubmission statement, explaining how the application is different from the prior application and how the referees’ comments have been addressed;
  5. If a Post PhD Research grant is awarded, the applicant must agree to comply with the Requirements and Conditions of the Post-Ph.D. Research Grant.


The maximum amount of the Post-PhD Research Grant is USD 20,000.

How to apply?

All applications must be submitted using the most recent application form latest by 1 May 2016.

To read about how to write a grant proposal and to access the online application, please click HERE.

For more information, please visit the official website.

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