The Regional Mobility Fund for Experts in the Black Sea Region and the Balkans

Deadline: ongoing
Open to: civil society, think tank and academic experts from the Black Sea and the Balkans (non-EU)
Grant: mobility costs for conferences, seminars, working and coordination meetings, study visits, mentoring and training activities


The Regional Mobility Fund for Experts in the Black Sea Region and the Balkans is initiated by the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND with the financial support of CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness – CPDE. This pilot activity was implemented during the period 5 October 2015 – 1 December 2015 and is now extended for the period 3 February 2016 – 31 March 2016.

The Regional Mobility Fund is part of the follow-up activities of the Black Sea NGO Forum organised by FOND with the support of the European Commission, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness – CPDE.

The objective of the Regional Mobility Fund is to encourage the mobility of civil society/ think tank/ academic experts in the region as to foster knowledge sharing, expertise and exchange of best practices within the framework of enabling environment for CSOs and the Istanbul Principles.


The Regional Mobility Fund is open to civil society, think tank and academic experts from the following regions: the Black Sea and the Balkans (non-EU).


The Mobility Fund will cover mobility costs (transport, accommodation and meals) for conferences, seminars, working and coordination meetings, study visits, mentoring and training activities in which the applicants are resource persons, within the framework of enabling environment for CSOs and the Istanbul Principles.

How to apply?

The application process for the Regional Mobility Fund is flexible, as the receipt and assessment of the requests for support will be done in an ongoing manner. The only time constraint is that the activity for which one applies should be implemented during the period 3 February – 31 March 2016.

If you need any other information, please do no hesitate to contact them at:

For more information please visit the official website.

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