2nd International Youth to Youth Summit in Krakow, Poland

Deadline: 25 January 2016
Open to: students and young professionals up to 35 years of age from all over the world
Venue: 21-25 April 2016 Krakow, Poland


The 2016 Summit will be the second thematic event focused on Accountability, Transparency and Good Governance. The aim of the event is to bring together the brightest students, youth activists, leaders in the society, entrepreneurs, professors and businessman to start a dialogue on implications of corruption, transparency and accountability on our lives.

On 21-25 April 2016 Youth to Youth Initiative, in partnership with AEGEE Krakow will bring together about 100 bright young leaders together and offer meaningful discussion on following 6 topics:

  • Corruption and the private sector;
  • Corruption and civic empowerment (civil society);
  • Corruption and youth;
  • Corruption and culture;
  • Corruption and education;
  • Revealing corruption (Initiatives and actions).


  • Students and young professionals up to 35 years of age, preferences are given to leaders of the communities, changemakers, passionate to create positive social change and those who have some outstanding experience or being active either in politics, civil society organizations, student organizations, media, business sector, academia or government;
  • Citizens of any country across the world;
  • Good working knowledge of written and spoken English.


The participation cost has been set with a view that it is considerably affordable for participants coming from all backgrounds. However, international participants are expected to cover their return traveling expenses and visa cost. Participation fee has been set up at EUR 120, payable until 7 days after receiving the invitation letter.

Participation fee includes accommodation, coffee breaks during lectures and seminars, breakfast and lunches. Local participants from Krakow are also invited, and the rest of Poland who would like to take part in the event and do not require accommodation the participating fee for them is EUR 60.

How to apply?

You can apply by filling the online application form and send it latest by 25 January 2016.

For more information please visit the official website.

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