CAS SEE Fellowship Programme, Rijeka

Deadline: 10 December 2015
Open to: international young scholars, senior researchers  with doctoral degree
Fellowship: living  allowance  of  1,100  EUR per  month, accommodation expenses, research budget, travel  expenses  (one-round trip)


The  Fellowship  Programme  CAS  SEE  Rijeka  is  an  international  researcher  mobility programme that offers  up  to   five  months  residencies  in  Rijeka  and  in  the  countries of the Balkans region  (Bosnia-­Herzegovina,  Serbia, Montenegro,  Macedonia,  Kosovo,  and Albania). Its intention is to include  its organisational  scheme  and  to participate  in  the network  of the  16 other Institutes in Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst,  Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich.  The CAS SEE Fellowship Programme for spring 2016 will host 8 junior fellows. The third generation of fellows will assume their positions by February 15th 2016. Applicants will focus on two particular topics:

  1. Refugees, Migration and Democracy: Faces of the protracted relationship;
  2. (Re)thinking (about) the Crisis: Exploring the danger and the opportunities of current crisis-hysteria.


  • at  the  time  of  the  application,  researchers  must  be  in  possession  of  a  doctoral degree;
  • researchers  from  all  countries  are  eligible to the  programme;
  • the programme welcomes  applications worldwide from promising young scholars as well as from  leading  senior researchers;
  • mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to  scholars in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed research  project does not require laboratory  facilities;
  • the  applicant has a proven capacity to dialogue with other scientific discipline.

What does fellowship cover?

Fellows  are  invited  to  spend  two  to  ten  months  in  Rijeka  in  accordance  with  the  length  and  the complexity  of  their  research  project:
  • Living  allowance  in  the  range  of  1,100 EUR per  month;
  • Support  for  accommodation expenses ;
  • Research  budget  in  accordance  with  the  research  proposal;
  • Travel  expenses  (one-round trip).

How to apply?

In order to apply fulfill the online application form. A complete application includes:

  • a filled-in application form,
  • a copy of your CV,
  • a description of your intended research project (1500-2000 words),
  • a personal statement (up to 500 words).
Further information can be found on the official website.

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