Training for Young Film Critics at International Film Festival Rotterdam

Deadline: 6 November 2015
Open to: journalists aged 30 and younger
Venue: 27 January-7 February 2016, Rotterdam, The Nederlands


International Film Festival Rotterdam is looking for participants for the 18th IFFR Trainee Project for Young Film Critics, taking place during its 45th edition from 27 January – 7 February 2016. Young and upcoming film critics from outside the Netherlands get less opportunities to explore and sharpen their knowledge and views on independent and experimental cinema.

International Film Festival Rotterdam recognizes the important role of film criticism and supports journalistic talent with a trainee project for the next wave of film journalists: the IFFR Trainee Project Young Critics.

What to expect: 

  • Complimentary IFFR 2016 press accreditation;
  • A full schedule. IFFR wants its trainee film critics to really participate in the festival and interact with other industry professionals. The trainees will form a team, hosted by the IFFR Press Office and the festival editorial staff. You get to explore all aspects of IFFR (screenings, exhibitions, Q&A sessions, and debates) as part of the program and to cover for your own media;
  • If your participation is successful and you have published reports that meet IFFR standards (in both quality and quantity) you get the opportunity to visit the next edition of the festival as an accredited journalist.


  • Aged under 30 years;
  • Fluent command of the English language (written and spoken);
  • Demonstrable experience in film criticism (print or online media);
  • Not yet established enough to profit from facilities as attending international film festivals outside your country;
  • Have agreement(s) with relevant print and/or online media to publish reports on International Film Festival Rotterdam 2016.


  • Budget hotel accommodation in Rotterdam from 28 January – 6 February 2016;
  • Partial refund of travel costs when traveling from outside Europe.


Your application should include digital versions (Word, jpg or pdf) of the following documents and information:

  • A motivation letter to support your application: explain why this project and the Rotterdam festival appeals to you and what you can offer the festival;
  • Your resume (CV) including your contact details and date of birth;
  • Up to three proofs of recent work you published on (independent) film or film festivals. If not in English, provide the original articles with English translations to demonstrate your command of this language;
  • Information about your affiliation(s): title, name of chief editor, postal address, phone number, email account, periodicity, circulation, web address, estimated unique page views per month;
  • A recommendation letter (on company letterhead) of your principal affiliation’s chief editor assigning you to cover IFFR 2016 and confirming that your report will be published;

Please send your application by e-mail to before 6 November 2015. You will receive notification on the selection by 4 December 2015 at the latest.

For moe information please visit the official website.

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