PhD Studentship – “Housing and Welfare in Times of ‘Austerity’”

Deadline: 15 June 2015, 4:00 pm
Open to: international students in the area of social sciences or another relevant discipline such as statistics
Scholarship: an annual stipend £14,002 plus an annual allowance for research or training expenses of £750


Applications  are  invited  for a PhD studentship to commence in October 2015. The studentship is funded by the University of Glasgow and will be based within the Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC). It offers an excellent opportunity for an outstanding candidate to join a world-leading interdisciplinary research  group. The UBDC’s role is to enhance access for researchers to a range of novel data on the urban system. These include data on housing allocations, on private renting or on house sales. They also include data which provide insights into other areas of life, such as education, social care, health or crime. There are increasing opportunities to link data from different administrative systems securely while protecting individual rights for privacy. This PhD will be based around the use of these kinds of data to address an important contemporary issue for housing policy in UK.


Applicants need a good first degree (2.1. or higher) in the social sciences or another relevant discipline such as statistics. They should be able to demonstrate some knowledge and understanding of quantitative social research methods, as well as the desire and aptitude to develop a high level of expertise in this area. Applicants with strong quantitative skills such as those from statistics who do not have a social science background will be considered; the award of the studentship may be conditional on them successfully completing additional training in social theory during their first PhD year. Students due to complete a Masters programme prior to October 2015 are encouraged to apply although any award may be contingent on final results.


Funding is available to provide a three-­year award. Candidates  should  have completed advanced methods training at Masters level or have equivalent research experience. The award will cover fees (Home/EU or International), and provide an annual stipend at the standard ESRC rate (for 2015/16, this is £14,002 tbc) plus an annual allowance for research or training expenses (£750 per year).

How to apply?

The deadline for application is 15 June 2015. The interviews will be held with short-­listed candidates on a date to be confirmed; for overseas applicants, interviews are likely to be via Skype or similar. All applicants should attach the following documentation to a single email and send to with “PhD  studentship” as the subject:

  • PhD Scholarship Application Form;
  • Personal statement: a statement of your interest in the PhD indicating the kinds of research question you would like to address (maximum 1000 words);
  • Full academic transcript(s) from previous studies (undergraduate and postgraduate if applicable);
  • Two references on official headed notepaper and signed by referees. References given to candidates in sealed envelopes should be opened, scanned and attached to the email. Alternatively, referees can email references directly to from an official work email address, clearly labelling the reference e.g.  “PhD  studentship–Referenceb for [applicant  name]”;
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) may be included if desired but is not necessary.

For more information please follow the official call or the official website.

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