Science Journalism Student Award

Deadline: 10 October 2014
Open to: undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a science or medical journalism degree 
Award: free registration, accommodation and $750 (approx. €580) to attend the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting in Washington


The Society for Neuroscience, founded in 1969, is the world’s largest organization of scientists and physicians devoted to understanding the brain and nervous system. The SfN is now announcing  the “Science Journalism Student Award”, which enables students pursuing a science or medical journalism degree to attend the SfN’s annual meeting in Washington. The winners are assigned a mentor who is an experienced professional journalist covering the annual meeting and also SfN media staff are available to advise award recipients how to navigate and report on the meeting.


This award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in or have recently completed (within the past calendar year) formal education in science or medical journalism; formal education in general journalism and can adequately demonstrate the intent to primarily cover science or medicine; or formal education in a scientific or medical field and can adequately demonstrate the intent to primarily cover science or medicine.


Two winners will have the opportunity to attend the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting in Washington. The award includes free registration, four nights’ lodging and $750 (approx. €580) to defray additional costs. Each winner will receive guidance from a professional journalist covering the meeting and an orientation to covering the event.


Interested applicants must submit the following materials:

  • CV;
  • Cover letter describing applicant’s career goals and how attending the meeting will help achieve them;
  • Two published clips;
  • Letter of recommendation from an instructor or professor.

All documents must be submitted in English to:

The deadline to apply is 10 October 2014.

For further information please visit the official website.

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