Kosovo-Serbia Feminist Summer School in Ohrid, Macedonia

Deadline: 30 May 2014
Open to: young women aged 18-29
Venue: 15-21 July 2014 in Ohrid, Macedonia


Kosova Women’s Network from Prishtina (Kosovo), Alternative Girls’ Center from Krusevac (Serbia), and Association Dea Dia from Kovacica (Serbia) with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna are organizing Kosovo-Serbia Feminist Summer School 2014 for young women and girls that will take place in the beautiful town of Ohrid, famous summer spot in Macedonia from 15th to 21st July.

The participants in this summer school will meet other young women from Serbia and Kosovo and learn on feminism, women’s rights, women’s movement, activism in the region. They will also have the opportunity (and must be willing) to socially engage and connect with the other participants.


An eligible candidate must be:

  • a woman between 18 and 29 years old;
  • with good English skills;
  • who lives in Kosovo or Serbia;
  • and considers herself active, creative, feminist, and open-minded.


All costs (travel, accommodation, meals) are covered by the organizers.


The deadline for applications is 30 May 2014.

If you fulfill the criteria ask for application form by email at feministsummerschool@gmail.com. One you have filled in the form, you must send it with your CV to the same email address.

For further information, please visit the official website.

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