The WISE Awards for Educational Projects

Deadline: 15 January 2014
Open to: project representatives from any region, sector or education level
Prize: six Awards, each worth $20,000 (US)


The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), an initiative of QATAR FOUNDATION, invites applications for the 2014 WISE Awards. These Awards recognize, showcase and promote educational projects and activities that have demonstrated a transformative impact upon societies and communities over a period of time.

Each year, the WISE Awards identify, showcase and promote innovative educational projects that are having a transformative impact on societies and education. Since 2009, WISE has received thousands of applications that have emerged from a wide variety of sectors and from over 130 countries. The winning projects constitute a growing pool of expertise and diverse sound educational practices.

The 2014 WISE Awards will celebrate six innovative educational projects for their positive contribution to education and society. WISE seeks to share best practices worldwide and inspire others to spark change in education. The WISE Awards thus highlight today’s most innovative solutions that are addressing major challenges in education.


Project representatives from any region, sector or education level are encouraged to submit their application to demonstrate the quality and impact of their activities. Whether you are involved in a project that creates new opportunities for lifelong learning, increases access to quality education or designs innovative educational tools and technologies, WISE invites you to apply for the 2014 WISE Awards.


Six Awards will be granted, each worth $20,000 (US). Applicants need to include a description of how they plan to use the prize money in the application form.


Download the application form HERE and submit it HERE. The submission period for the Awards is open until 15 January 2014 13.00 GMT. Please review the full regulations HERE.

Visit the Contact us page HERE to submit your questions to the official organizers.

Visit the official website HERE and see the brochure HERE for further details.

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