Grants to Support ‘Respect and rights for everyone’

Deadline: ongoing basis
Open to: NGOs working on projects related to human rights from certain countries
Grant: maximum of EUR 499,000


The Government of the Netherlands under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a new funding opportunity for NGOs in different countries to support small activities under the “Human Rights Fund Small Activities 2013”. As proposals under this Fund are being accepted round the year, Netherlands has 1.2 million Euros for it during 2013.

The available grant resources are part of the Human Rights Fund, which is designed to finance activities in the field of human rights in support of the objectives and priorities set out in the human rights strategy ‘Respect and rights for everyone’, thereby furthering Dutch foreign policy objectives. This may involve both long-term objectives and activities related to current developments affecting Dutch foreign policy. In addition to the provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Grants) Decree and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant Regulations 2006, activities must meet the criteria in order to be eligible for a grant from the Human Rights Fund Small Activities 2013.


In order to be eligible to apply for this fund, applicants should be able to relate their projects to one of the following sub-themes:

  • Protection and support for human rights defenders;
  • Equal rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people;
  • Equal rights for women focused on political participation and prevention of violence against women;
  • Combating the most serious human rights abuses (death penalty and torture);
  • Promoting freedom of expression and internet freedom;
  • Promoting freedom of religion and belief;
  • Human rights and development;
  • Business and human rights, including child labour.

Organizations from the following regions/countries can submit proposals. Activities must relate to at least two countries from this list:

Algeria, D. R. Congo, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Sudan, South-Sudan, Somalia, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, South-Africa, Bangladesh, Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, North-Korea, Pakistan, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel (Middle East Process), Palestinian Authority areas, Yemen, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and United Arab Emirates.


Grant applications amount to a maximum of EUR 499,000. Activities for which a grant has already been awarded from the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not eligible for a grant under the Human Rights Funds Small Activities 2013. Besides, the Minister may determine that only a part of the costs are eligible for a grant, taking into account the available resources and the extent to which the activities contribute to achieving the objectives of the Human Rights Fund Small Activities 2013.

A grant is awarded as a grant for activities; applications that mainly relate to overhead costs of the applicant are not eligible for an award.


Applications for grants may be submitted throughout the year to:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Directorate DMM
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
P.O. Box 20061
2500 EB The Hague

For further information please visit the official website.


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