International Green Culture Festival 'GREEN FEST', Serbia

Deadline: 11 October 2013
Open to: international amateur and professional film makers focused on environmental issues and nature
Award: a  special award of  300 € for amateurs, best short film award of 1000 € and a short film 2nd place award of 700€ for professionals


The Environment Improvement Centre invites amateur and professional environmental film authors from around the world to apply for the International Green Culture Festival “GREEN FEST”. The festival is the biggest annual “green” event in Serbia which aims to a raise civic activism in the nature and environment area. This year’s call includes two categories: amateur film and short film. The organizers are encouraging the participation of students independently or through school projects as well as citizens interested for this way of activism


  • Amateur film-open for all participants, with no age limits whose videos are  shoot with mobile phones, digital photo camera or a digital video camera. The topic for this year’s amateur film is “4 Colours of Green”. The maximum number of films per author to enter the contest is 5 ; their individual length should not exceed 15 minutes
  • Short film-open for all film professionals focused on environmental issues and nature. The maximum number of films per author to enter the contest is 3  and their individual length should not exceed 30 minutes


Amateur films will be awarded in three age categories:

  • Best amateur film in category up to 18 years (Award by Vip mobile)
  • Best amateur film in category from 18 to 27 years (Award by Vip mobile)
  • Best amateur film in category over 27 years (Award by Vip mobile)
  • Special Award – City of Belgrade – Environmental Protection Secretary (Award value 300 €)

Short films will be awarded:

  • The Best short film award (Award value 1000 €)
  • Short film 2nd place award (Award value 700 €)

How to apply?

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • Filled entry form (can be downloaded HERE);
  • 2 CD or DVD copies of the film in one of the following video formats: AVI, MOV, DVD, DIVX

The entry forms and films should be submitted by courier to:

“GF – films”
P.P. 76
Post 11103 Beograd 4

Furthermore, the following documents should be sent by e- mail: 

  • Filled entry form (can be downloaded HERE )
  • 1 copy of the film in one of the following video formats: AVI, MOV, DIVX – via an internet sharing program (, to

The deadline for applying is 11 October 2013.

For further information please read the official call or visit the official website.

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