Call for Project Proposals: Urban Europe

Deadline: 18 September 2013
Open to: applicants located in Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom
Grants: vary


Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe invites researchers, practitioners, innovators, and other stakeholders dedicated to the development of European urban areas to suggest EU projects for research and innovation within the field. This joint call is organized between the RDI Funding Agencies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom. This call aims to finance projects linked to urban issues such as demographic, economic, social changes, climate changes, technological aspects of city development as energy management and use, transport, ICT application to the cities management etc. The call encourages trans disciplinary and cross sectoral projects. The consortia will be built between the partners of the participating countries. The Funding Agencies encourages the partners to prepare high innovative projects with the participation of universities, private companies, public authorities and end users.

This call is open to the funding of projects in two topics:

  • Topic 1. Governance of Urban Complexity
  • Topic 2. Urban Vulnerability, Adaptability, and Resilience


Only applicants located in the following JPI Urban Europe countries are eligible to apply as Main Applicant or Co-Applicant, irrespective of their nationality: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Applicants from other countries may participate as a Co-operation Partner.

Each project proposal must be submitted by a project consortium consisting of at least three eligible applicants from at least three participating countries. Each of the applicants must have the interest and competence to undertake research, development or innovation within the specified themes


The selected projects will be financed by the national funding agencies under their own specific conditions. Proposals for collaborative transnational projects on basic research, applied research and innovation are welcome. However, there is no funding available for industrial/commercial scale pilot projects. Specific funding rules for the applicants are available in the official call.


This call will be organized in 2 stages – the call for pre-proposals is open to 18 September 2013 (12:00 noon CET), the call for full proposals will close on 21 January 2014 (12:00 noon CET) and the transnational projects will start from mid-2014.

If you are interested to participate at this call, please contact:

Beata Bibrowska
Advisor EU RDI policies and programs
tel : 02 600 50 22

Please, for more detailed information check the official call and visit the official website.

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