International Green Talents Competition

Deadline: 9 June, 2013
Open to: non-German citizens working on innovative green solutions, who are currently enrolled in a Master/PhD programme or already hold a graduate degree, up to 32 years old
Award: invitation for a  two-week science forum, touring Germany in the fall of 2013


Our planet is facing a rapid depletion of natural resources, increasing environmental contamination and major changes in the earth’s atmosphere. As a frontrunner in sustainability research, Germany strongly believes in international cooperation to overcome these global challenges. Especially the creativity and innovativeness of young scientists is called for.

This is why the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is now holding the 5th round of its prestigious “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development”. The competition, under the patronage of Minister Professor Johanna Wanka, annually awards the 25 most outstanding minds worldwide. Hailing from various research disciplines, the winners are honoured for their original solutions for a more sustainable future.


Are you:

  • working on innovative green solutions from an interdisciplinary point of view?
  • are currently enrolled in a Master/PhD programme or already hold a graduate degree (Master/PhD) with significantly above-average grades?
  • in excellent command of the English language?
  • up to 32 years old?
  • a non-German citizen and your residence is outside of Germany?

Then you are eligible to apply!


Selected by a high-ranking jury of German experts, the “Green Talents” will be invited to a two-week science forum, touring Germany in the fall of 2013. This visit will not only grant them unique access to some of the country’s hot spots of sustainable development but also allows the participants to exchange ideas with peers and senior scientists. In addition, the awardees will have the chance to present themselves to experts of their choice and discuss their work with them in individual appointments.


You can apply online HERE

During the application process you will be asked to upload a current letter of recommendation or expert opinion focusing on your career as a scientist and activities up until now (letter must be in English and should not be older than 6 months).

Application deadline is 09 June 2013, at 12 p.m. (Central European Time).

For further details please visit the Official Website or download the Application Flyer

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