Small Grants for Roma NGOs in Western Balkan

Deadline: 8 June, 2013
Open to: non-profit Roma organizations in one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia
Grants: minimum USD 15.000 up to USD 20.000 for single project


Open Society Foundations’ network program -the Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma (MtM) invites  Roma non-government organizations to submit project proposals for organizational development closely related to EU accession processes. The initiative, as part of broader MtM program priorities in South Eastern European countries, addresses the difficulties of all stakeholders in connecting the objectives of the Decade of Roma Inclusion to European Union funding opportunities by complementing EU and national policy instruments available in the Decade countries. The small grants scheme provides particular learning prospects as regards the development needs of Roma organizations aiming to advance their participation at all stages of EU integration processes.


The primary objective is to enable advanced Roma organizations to identify and make a particular choice on strategic organizational development related to the absorption of EU funds. In addition, the management of Roma NGOs shall develop qualifications and skills, meet the standards for being transparent and accountable in front of beneficiaries and third parties, and consequently cultivate healthy organizational integrity and legitimacy. The overall goal is to identify, assist, and further develop strategic partnerships with a number of organizations for addressing the inclusion and development needs of the Roma population in a systematic way through linking EU funds and domestic policy instruments.


The applicant should be non-profit Roma organization in one of the target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Roma organizations are considered officially registered non-profit entities constituted by Roma membership in which more than 50% of governance and management structures declare Roma origin.


The indicative budget available under the Call amounts USD 300.000. Any grant awarded under this Call for Proposals shall be budgeted minimum USD 15.000 up to USD 20.000 for single project. Applicants are encouraged to match funds from their own budget or from third parties.

How to apply

Applicants should propose training and capacity-building modules for both accessing EU/enlargement-related funds and organizational development, and emphasize the training modules of primary importance. The organizers expect to receive applications developed jointly by beneficiary organization and training provider institution/company from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

Forms and attachments should be submitted online or by email, but applicants must also be able to submit any and all submitted documents in hardcopies via mail if instructed to do so.

You can submit your application here

Required attachments

  • CVs of at least two trainees (Roma middle managers) should be submitted together the project proposal.
  • Applicant organizations have to submit a (pre)agreed regulation as a policy to keep the certified trainees at least for a two years engagement in the host organization after the closure of this project.
  • Certification of existence, registration number and legal status (both for the applicant organization and training institution/company)
  • A copy of financial report of the applicant organization of the previous calendar year as approved by the Board of the Applicant.
  • Organizational ID both for the applicant organization and training institution/company

Deadline for submission of the applications: June 08, 2013.

For more details check the Official Call

Download the Proposal

Download the Budget

The Official Website

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