New European Magazine Looking for Journalists

Deadline: Rolling
Open to: Anyone who is fluent in at least two European languages and has some kind of journalistic experience
Benefits: Possibility to gain more experience in journalism and create new magazine for all Europeans


Meeting Halfway will be an online magazine for all of Europe, published in as many European languages as possible, with stories not necessarily about, but for Europe. It’s going to be a meeting halfway between European countries, their languages and various forms of media. It’s also going to be a meeting halfway down the road of the European project. The organizers of this project are currently looking for aspiring journalists from all over the continent who want to participate in this project.

Meeting Halfway will be an online magazine – that means feature stories, portraits, background reports. The organizers will choose main topics that are related to news and will make sure that there is a time peg for them. While there always will be a main topic, other ideas are welcome as well. So if you have an idea for a great story that doesn’t exactly fit the main topic, we will find a spot for that, too.

How often it will be published?

As often as it is possible. The idea is to have a continuous flow of new stories. There won’t be published all stories on a certain topic at once, but gradually, and hopefully by the time the last story of topic X is online, the first story of topic Y is already in line.


Applications from anyone who is fluent in at least two European languages (including the big regional languages such as Irish Gaelic or Catalan) and has some kind of journalistic experience, whether in writing, photography, film or radio journalism are welcomed. If you fulfill the prerequisites – fluency in at least two European languages and journalistic experience – you are welcome to apply even if you are not from Europe.

How to apply

In order to apply, please send an e-mail with the subject “APPLICATION: your name” to Please write a short text (100 – 200 words) explaining why you want to work for the magazine and include a short CV (bullet points, preferably one page, no more than two pages) and up to three samples of your journalistic work. The latter can be pieces of writing, photography, radio or film. Please do not send large attachments, this applies especially to videos – better to provide a link so that it is possible to watch it online. For any stories that are not in English, French or German, please add a short synopsis (no more than five sentences).


Right now, the organizers are not able to pay you, but they want to make this project profitable. As soon as there will be money earned, they will go directly to the authors.

More information can be obtained from the official website.

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