Deadline: 15 February 2013
Open to: researchers from all nationalities who wish to undertake advanced research in econometrics in an Italian university
Fellowship: yearly sum of Euro 50,000
The competition has opened for 1 Research Fellowship in Econometrics, in memory of Carlo Giannini, this year in its third edition. The competition is aimed at the best researchers from all nationalities who wish to undertake advanced research in econometrics in an Italian university. The contest is launched by the Centro Interuniversitario di Econometria (CldE) and the Associazione Carlo Giannini in cooperation with the Bank of Italy and UniCredit & Universities Foundation.
The fellowship will start on October 1, 2013 and entitles the winner to an yearly sum of Euro 50,000, gross of all taxes and social security contributions. The fellowship amount will be disbursed to the winner, as a monthly salary, by the CIdE. The duration of the Fellowship is one year, renewable for a second year. Throughout the period of the fellowship, the Associazione Carlo Giannini may invite the fellow to illustrate the state of her/his research in seminars/workshops. It is also strongly advised to submit papers for possible presentation in international leading conferences in the field.
By the 15th of September of first year, the Fellow must produce an annual report on the advances of her/his research, including the scientific evaluation by her/his local advisor (see Article 3.9). At the end of the first year, the Award Committee decides whether to renew the fellowship for a second year.
At the end of the Fellowship, the Fellow must produce a final report. The Fellow is expected to acknowledge receipt of this funding in all papers prepared in connection with this research effort.
More information is AVAILABLE HERE in the fellowship description.
- The competition is open to researchers of all nationalities who completed their PhD after 30/9/2008 or are about to complete their Ph.D. by the beginning of the fellowship.
- The research project can not be undertaken in the same university where the candidate achieved or is about to achieve her/his Ph.D.
- The research fellowship is incompatible with undergraduate teaching. However, the fellow may deliver a limited amount of graduate teaching, to be approved in advance by the award committee.
- The fellow must actively contribute to the research of the hosting Department/University, where (s)he is expected to spend most her/his time.
- The fellowship is incompatible with any other income.
Candidates must apply online using the Foundation’s website HERE. Documentation accompanying the application must be submitted online in PDF format and must be written in English.
Applications must be submitted by February 15, 2013. The candidate will receive a confirmation message to her/his e-mail address confirming the full acceptance of her/his application.
Applications must be accompanied by the following documents (in PDF format and in English).
- Curriculum Vitae
- A copy of a current identity document (in the original language)
- Certificate of academic qualifications (e.g., copies of undergraduate and Ph.D. diplomas)
- For candidates who have not yet obtained a Ph.D., official transcripts of the grades obtained in the exams of the Ph.D. program and a declaration from the supervisor about the status of the thesis
- Research projects (2-3 pages)
- At least two letters of reference from academics who are well acquainted with the candidate’s research. The letter must be sent directly by the referees via e-mail to the Foundation addresses specified below
- Copy of three (at most) publications/working papers
- Indication of the Italian University/Department where the candidate plans to spend the fellowship
- A letter of the Director of the chosen department confirming the availability of Department/Faculty to host the fellow indicating, also the designed advisor, expert in the field
- A declaration of consent to handling of the candidate’s personal data pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003.
For any further information see official website HERE or contact the people below for questions:
Associazione Carlo Giannini c/o Rocco Mosconi – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale Politecnico di Milano,
Piazza L. da Vinci 32 – 20133 Milano
Ph. + 39 02 23992747
Fax + 39 02 700423151,
UniCredit & Universities Foundation
Via Santa Margherita 12 – 20121 Milano – Italy
Ph.+39 02 8727 5582/3,
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