6 Bursaries for Housing Theory Conference, UK

Deadline: 1 February 2013
Open to: Masters/PhD students and postdoctoral or junior researchers working on housing studies
Venue: University of York, 10 – 12 April 2013


Housing finds itself at the center of unprecedented change in political, socioeconomic and institutional landscapes in light of impending welfare reform and the ongoing impacts of the economic downturn and austerity measures. Political expediency and ideological opportunity are imposing significant challenges for the way housing is conceptualized and produced. Furthermore, housing strategies are heading in new directions in different jurisdictions. The conference will provide a valuable opportunity to reflect on the implications of these and related issues for housing theory, provision and practice. It will be held at the University of York from 10 to 12 April 2013.

Six bursaries, jointly funded by the HSA and Housing Studies Charitable Trust, are available providing financial support for attending the conference. Each of the bursaries will cover the full cost of conference fees and up to £50 travel costs to attend the conference. Unsuccessful candidates may also be placed on a reserve list for any unused places.

Keynote speakers will focus on a number of themes including welfare reform and understandings of housing as a welfare good, including reflections on notions of entitlement; changing state/market relationships and the implications for the planning and delivery of housing; and the politics of housing.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Prof Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Heriot-Watt University
  • Prof John Flint, University of Sheffield
  • Dr Peter King, De Montfort University
  • Grainia Long, Chartered Institute of Housing
  • Anna Minton, freelance writer and journalist
  • David Orr, National Housing Federation


The Early Career Researcher stream is open to:

  • Masters students
  • PhD students
  • Newly qualified postdoctoral researchers
  • Junior researchers working outside academia
  • Other researchers who would benefit from the supportive environment provided by this stream

The bursaries are intended to support individuals who would not otherwise be able to meet the fee and travel costs to attend the conference. This may include early career housing scholars or those without a current affiliation to a University or housing organisation.

The award of a bursary will be conditional upon the recipient:

  • Demonstrating that they require financial assistance to attend the conference
  • Attending the full conference and presenting a paper
  • Ensuring they can meet any additional travel costs associated with attending the conference and, if travelling from outside the EU, that they have the necessary visa and legal status to visit the UK.

Successful applicants will be required to accept these conditions prior to an award being made. Travel costs (up to a maximum of £50) will be reimbursed after the conference and on the production of receipts.

Application Process

The closing date for all applications is 1 February 2013. To apply for the bursaries, applicants will be required to complete an application form, which is available here: BURSARY APPLICATION FORM.

Papers addressing the conference themes or dealing with any other aspect of housing policy, practice or theory are welcomed. Offers of papers (a title and 200 word abstract) should be emailed to Martin McNally (martin.mcnally@chester.ac.uk) and Sarah Johnsen (s.johnsen@hw.ac.ukby Friday 1 February 2013. (Please note that the organisers reserve the right to edit abstracts that exceed the 200-word limit).

An Early Career stream, sponsored by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, will run in parallel with the main conference. Abstracts for this stream (also 200 words max) should be sent to Gareth Young (gjyoung1@shef.ac.uk) and Ben Pattison (bmp248@ bham.ac.uk) by Friday 1 February 2013. Early Career delegates will be invited to submit a written paper after the conference in order to be considered for the new Valerie Karn Memorial Prize. For more information about the Early Career Researchers Stream see HERE.

A panel of HSA Executive Committee members will review the applications and determine the successful recipients. Applicants will be informed of decisions as soon as possible. For further information about the bursaries, please e-mail John Flint at: john.flint@sheffield.ac.uk or see the website HERE.

See the official website HERE or download the informational flyer HERE for more information.

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