The Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Seoul

Deadline: 19 December, 2012
Open to: talented artist under the age of 40
Prize: seleceted artists will be invited to exhibit their works during the The Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale

The Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale (GICB) is pleased to announce that it is receiving entries for the 2013 Special Exhibition, <HOT Rookies>. The event is open for young and talented artists with the hope of providing them with the opportunity to develop their creativity. The GICB is taking a new initiative seeking to discover new talents for the future through this international competition. The GICB 2013 is now waiting for your participation. Take the challenge, the opportunity has come for you! Apply now!


  1. Applicants must be under the age of 40 (date of birth must exceed 1 January, 1972).
  2. Applicants are permitted to apply as an individual or as a team (1 team is equivalent to 1 individual applicant)
  3. Submitted artworks must be either newly created or no more than two years in making. Artworks publicized and printed for other previous events will not be accepted.
  4. Only clay pieces and clay combined with other materials are acceptable. Selected artworks will be displayed in a given space (approximately 5m×5m, this will be notified later), submitted artworks must coincide with this scale.

About the exhibition

  • Title : HOT Rookies
  • Duration : 28 September(Sat) ~ 17 November 2013(Sun), for 51 Days
  • Place : Icheon CeraMix Creativity Center, Halls 1 and 2(1004.28㎡), 2nd Floor
  • Theme : Paradoxical Aesthetics
  • Exhibition Method : Omnibus Exhibition
  • Thematic Conceptions : Alienation, Resistance, Anti-Culture, Syndromes, Parody, Deviation, Amusement, and more. Subjects that are related to the pathological human condition in modern society based on material civilization. The focus is on discovering outstanding translations on the above subjects by young individuals to assemble broken social fragments together to form a community.


  1. A sum of 2,000 US dollars (approximately 2,200,000 Korean won) will be funded for material and packaging (1 team is equivalent to 1 individual participant).
  2. Artworks will be transported door to door and GICB will take full responsibility of insurance only from the arrival to the departure of artworks from the exhibition space.The insurance price for artworks will rely on the value stated by the participant. With the GICB fund participants must take full responsibility of packaging artworks prior to the arrival in Korea, GICB will not be responsible for this. GICB will take full responsibility of packaging and returning artworks after the termination of exhibition.
  3. Each participant will be given 3 copies of the exhibition catalogue. Team participants will be given 1 copy per person. GICB must have all rights to photograph and to use images of submitted artworks for the exhibition catalogue and other printed materials.


All information must be submitted online.

  1. Applicant’s Resume/CV Download form
  2. Description on Artwork
  3. 10 images for the submission of 10 artworks is requested (1100 pixel and higher in resolution, JPG file format) Images should include at least 5 or more pieces possible for exhibition Detailed images of artworks are permitted only as additional information and not as a part of the 10 images for the required artworks.
  4. Brief display plan for exhibiting applicant’s artworks must be submitted.


GICB 2013 Seoul Office
MH 1113, 72-1, Sangsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-791 Republic of Korea
Tel: (+82) 02 3143 6903 Fax: (+82) 02 3143 6904
The  Official Webpage

The deadline for application is 19 December, 2012.

One thought on “The Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Seoul

  1. , many of his victims were locetad in Uijeongbu (where I live and work) and nearby Yangju. The way he gained access to the women’s homes is by looking for open doors on the veranda of apartments and then climbing up gas pipes.While there are certainly examples of police incompetence in Korea, I’m not sure how many apartments have CCTV situated to cover the veranda. With that in mind, catching this criminal was probably more difficult than if he was always going in through the front door.Our vice-director also mentioned that some of the multiple assaults came when he returned to the same apartment and raped a sister or cousin living in the same place — not sure if this was misreported by our vice-director, by a news agency, or if different sources are interpreting “multiple” in more than one way.And dammit, why does this have to be another example of bad news coming out of Uijeongbu / northern Gyeonggi-do?

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