The Children and Violence Evaluation Challenge Fund Call for Proposals 2012

Deadline: 17 December, 2012
Open to: non-profit organizations/NGOs, universities/research institutes
Grants: the total amount that will be awarded is expected to be approximately EUR 700,000


The Children and Violence Evaluation Challenge Fund is pleased to announce its 2nd call for proposals to support rigorous evaluations of interventions aimed at preventing all forms of violence against children in low- and middle-income countries.

A rigorous evaluation implies the use of recognized social research or evaluation methods that help to assess the changes that can be attributed to a specific intervention or that the intervention contributed to. To this end, the Fund is open to a wide range of evaluation methods varying from experimental and quasi-experimental methods to mixed methods and qualitative research.


  • Non-profit organizations/NGOs, universities/research institutes and, exceptionally, for-profit organizations can apply as main applicants.
  • Governments and multilateral organizations are not eligible as main applicants, but can be identified as partners. The application must reflect a partnership between implementers and evaluators. The meaningful involvement of local researchers is strongly encouraged.
  • The application is to conduct an external evaluation of a specific intervention aimed at preventing violence against children or having violence prevention as indirect outcome.
  • The intervention to be evaluated is implemented in one (or more) low- and middle- income countries as listed in the DAC list of ODA recipients
  • The evaluation project is expected to end and generate results by latest October 2015.

Selection criteria

  • Relevance and potential for impact.
  • Quality and  ‘evaluability’ of the intervention.
  • Quality and rigour  of the evaluation.
  • Feasibility and capacity to deliver.
  • Partnership,  opportunities for knowledge transfer and involvement of  local researchers.
  • Stakeholder engagement and dissemination/utilization of findings.
  • Efficiency/cost-effectiveness of the evaluation.
  • Research  ethics.
To check details read the official call


  • The Fund anticipates awarding a number of grants for different evaluations. The total amount that will be awarded under this second call for proposal is expected to be approximately EUR 700,000. The exact amount will depend on the quality of the applications received and the availability of additional funds in early 2013.
  • The amount of each grant will vary according to the type and scale of the intervention and the design/methodology proposed for the evaluation. A wide range of factors affecting costs will be taken into consideration when assessing the cost-effectiveness of the proposed evaluations.


The application process will consist of two stages:

  1. Concept Note: applicants will first submit the Concept Note Application Form. In the concept note they are expected to clearly describe the intervention proposed for evaluation, articulating its ‘theory of change’ and explaining why they think its evaluation would be feasible and appropriate. In addition, they will outline the proposed evaluation method, the partnership and the plan to communicate and utilize the findings. Estimates of the evaluation budget are also requested and the organizational profile and/or CV of the evaluator(s) must be attached.
  2. Full Evaluation Proposal: only shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a Full Evaluation Proposal. In this second stage, applicants are expected to provide more details about the evaluation design, the evaluation team, the work plan and the evaluation budget. More details about the plans to communicate and utilize the findings will be requested.

For the 1st stage of the application process, applications must be sent by e-mail – with “Evaluation Challenge Fund 2012: Concept Note_ name of organization main applicant” as subject of the email – to the following address: by December, 17th 2012 (23:59 CET time).

For any queries, please contact the Programme Manager of the Children and Violence Evaluation Challenge Fund at

Official website

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