Deadline: 25 October, 2012
Open to: graduates who have successfully completed their studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with outstanding academic excellence
Remuneration: 1250 € per month
The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne successful in the excellence initiative wants to facilitate the completion of the doctorate through a structured program and intensive individual mentorship within an interdisciplinary environment. In doing so the Graduate School follows a concept of the Humanities beyond the dichotomy between the so-called cultural sciences and the humanities. Of special significance are hermeneutical and historicocontextual knowledge models, which comprise the genesis and invention of knowledge, as well as the processes of reception and transculturation and their anthropological and ethical conditions.
The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School awards scholarships for graduates who have successfully completed their studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with outstanding academic excellence. Thus, particularly those graduates are addressed who are still in the orientation phase of their dissertation project.
Eligible candidates must hold an outstanding university degree in Arts and Humanities. The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School especially wants to promote young talented researchers, who have completed their studies expeditiously and who strive for dissertation project supplementation in a narrow time frame after their final examination. In this framework, a.r.t.e.s. also wants to support young researchers from educationally alienated families.
The a.r.t.e.s. PhD scholarship is a full scholarship at 1250 € per month and is awarded for a maximum of six semesters. After the orientation phase in the first semester of supplementation, a doctorate agreement will be concluded with the scholarship holder, which specifies the time frame of the project and which is part of the scholarship contract.
To apply for an a.r.t.e.s. PhD scholarship you have to send us the complete application documents (application form and file) by the 25. October 2012:
Application documents:
- Application form
- Covering letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- List of Publications (if applicable)
- University Diploma (Zwischenprüfung, B.A., M.A., final degree of university studies.)
- High School Diploma (Abitur, Matura, etc.)
- (Non-Eu applicants have to mail in certified copies of their Diplomas. The documents will be sent back after the completion of proceedings.)
- Dissertation Project Expert Report
- Project Outline (3-5 pages)
- Expertise on M.A. or Staatsexamen thesis, etc. Other certificates (optional)
Application form you can find here
Important! Do not send original documents! The documents will not be returned. The university diploma and expertise on the M.A./Staatsexamen etc. thesis may be handed in later (by the 8th of November 2012).
(Non-Eu applicants have to mail in certified copies of their Diplomas. The documents will be sent back after the completion of proceedings.)
Please send your application documents additionally as one PDF-file via E-Mail to
You can check details on the official website