Editorial Coordinator Call by EU-CoE Youth Partnership

Deadline: 30 September 2012, 24h CET
Open to: Expert who are able to coordinate editorial work
Remuneration: not specified

The partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth is now looking for an editorial coordinator of the new journal Perspectives on Youth: European Youth Partnership Series.

Background Information

Forum21 was a European and international information and communication project on child and youth policy and research, published by IJAB, Germany in cooperation with INJEP, France and NYA, United Kingdom. Forum21 was issued twice a year in two parallel journals:

  • European Journal on Child and Youth Policy (since 2003)
  • European Journal on Child and Youth Research (since 2008)

For various reasons the responsible publishers decided in 2011 to finish publishing the two journals, but – in view of an unanimous expectation of many stakeholders on the need of such a journal – to modify the concept and to enlarge the group of publishers.
In a first step the following partners committed themselves to support the project: Germany, France and UK (all countries as in the past), Belgium / Flemish and German Speaking Communities, Finland, the Nordic Council and the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth. In the follow-up this group of publishers developed a new concept and nominated members of the future editorial team.
In a kick-off meeting on 29 May 2012 both groups, publishers and editors decided together for the concept and the first issue, which was given the new brand name Perspectives on Youth: European Youth Partnership Series

Aims & Purpose of Perspectives on Youth: European Youth Partnership Series

The decisions on a new and revised concept of Perspectives on Youth: European Youth Partnership Series can be summarized as follows:

The purpose of the series is to bring national youth policies closer together and keep the ongoing mainly European dialogue about key problems of national and supranational youth policies on a solid foundation in terms of content, expertise and politics. The main goal is to support a closer European and international cooperation in the field of youth policy as well as a dialogue between policy makers,
researchers and practitioners. The series should function as an information, discussion, reflection and dialogue forum on European developments in the field of youth policy, youth research and youth work. The conceptual strategy should be critical and anticipative, reflecting European youth policies and their relevance for and impact on young people, also seeking for trends in the youth field that need innovative and forward-looking answers and strategies. All contributions should endeavour to address questions of transnationality and intercultural positions, rather than be restricted to the context of one particular country – though sometimes individual country perspectives, from different countries, might be invited but ‘covered’ by some short transnational editorial commentary.

The series could get a character of a “European Yearbook on Youth”, also having the function of presenting a kind of state of affairs in a given topic of European youth policy. The important focus is of the series is YOUTH: Constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing approaches to the lives of young people. Connections should be made across the (policy) worlds of young people: social exclusion,
employment, education & training, justice, health, culture… also issues of generations, families, childhood, youth rights, youth work in austerity, social guarantees need to be considered.

The series should contribute to the development and promotion of a youth policy and of a youth work that is based on knowledge and evidence; it should also contribute and be a forum for mutual learning 3 between member states of the European Union as well as of the Council of Europe. No documentation of official documents is foreseen.

The series has the aim to reach out to a broader readership at all levels (policymakers, youth workers, practitioners, students and researchers). It should complement existing other European tools in the field of youth, eg the magazine COYOTE (which reflects practice of youth work, training and nonformal learning) or the European Knowledge Center for Youth Policy (being a virtual information platform on European and national youth policies).

Requirements & Technical Information

The Editorial Coordinator will be charged to coordinate the editorial work. The technical production process will be organised within the Council of Europe publishing services. This includes translation, proofreading, lay-outing, printing, mailing.

The series will be published under the new brand name Perspectives on Youth: European Youth Partnership Series. In the first two years, as a pilot phase, one issue per year will be published with a limited number of pages (max. 250 pages per issue) and a circulation of maximum 5000 copies. The journal shall be published in the three working languages of the European Union (EN, FR, DE); in the printed version articles will be written in one of the three possible languages and detailed abstracts in the other two languages. An electronic version will be published in the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy as well as the website of the Council of Europe; it will provide full text translations in EN, FR and DE. It will be possible to download the full journal or individual articles in pdf. Other
language versions, eg Russian or Spanish might be provided if feasible.

How to Apply

All interested applicants should send their abstracts to the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth: Hanjo Schild, EmailJoachim.Schild@partnership-eu.coe.int

For more information please see the official call for coordinator.

Contact : Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth: youth-partnership@partnership-eu.coe.int

The official website

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