UN Women: Roster Experts at Western Balkans

Deadline: September 9, 2012
Open to: Qualified professionals with expertise in the areas of women, peace and security in Western Balkans
Remuneration: Payments will be made upon confirmation by UN Women


The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) Sub-regional Office for Central and Southeastern Europe invites applications from qualified professionals with expertise in the areas listed below for review and possible inclusion in the UN Women roster of available experts dedicated to women, peace and security efforts in the Western Balkans.
The UN Women Sub-regional Office for Central and Southeastern Europe seeks professionals with expertise in the following areas for inclusion in its roster of available women, peace, and security experts: gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, security sector reform, the empowerment of women, networking and advocacy, mediation, transitional justice, gender based violence, public policy analysis/development, strategic and action planning, gender budgeting, data collection and data analysis, gender equality /women’s empowerment training, gender auditing, monitoring and evaluation, and communications.
Candidates with the requisite skills and experience will be included in the roster to be considered for temporary assignments ranging in duration from one day to twenty-four months with the UN Women Sub-regional Office for Central and Southeastern Europe or any UN Women presence in the Western Balkans (Belgrade, Pristina, Sarajevo, or Skopje).

Under the overall supervision of the UN Women Regional Programme Director and the direct supervision of a UN Women designate that has been delegated by the Regional Programme Director, consultants may be contracted to undertake one or more of the following duties:

  • Technical advice and capacity development in any of the areas outlined above.
  • Social surveys, both conventional research and participatory action research.
  • Facilitation of participatory planning and community organization.
  • Mentoring on gender mainstreaming in security sector and in all other sectors mandated with UNSCR 1325 implementation.
  • Development and delivery of training programmes and toolkits.
  • Development and delivery of evaluation and monitoring matrices.
  • Provision of expert inputs on different local/national/regional panel discussions, seminars, round tables and similar.
  • Development of curriculum, policy briefs and/or policy papers in support of institutional change (the advancement of gender equality and women’s empowerment).


Successful candidates will be included in UN Women’s technical expert roster for a period of 2 years. Entry into the expert roster system does not necessarily mean that a contract with UN Women is guaranteed. This will depend on forthcoming needs.



  • A University degree (or equivalent) in Political Science, International Security, Gender Studies, Public Administration, Management, Public Policy, or related social sciences.


  • At least five years of professional experience working in one or more of the following areas: gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, security sector reform, the empowerment of women, networking and advocacy, mediation, transitional justice, gender based violence, public policy analysis/development, strategic and action planning, gender budgeting, data collection and data analysis, gender equality/women’s empowerment training, gender auditing, monitoring and evaluation, and communications.
  • Recognized expertise and experience in gender mainstreaming, security sector reform, public policy analysis, and/or related fields.
  • Experience in the development and delivery of training programmes, toolkits, evaluation and monitoring matrices, and mentoring on gender mainstreaming.
  • Knowledge on women’s human rights instruments (international and national).
  • Solid knowledge of UNSCR 1325, related women, peace and security resolutions, and women, peace and security agendas in the Western Balkans.


  • Excellent oral and written communication in Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and/or Macedonian languages is required; strong spoken and written English would be an asset.
Evaluation of Applicants
There will be technical evaluation done for individual consultants, taking into consideration their education, experience and knowledge.
Inclusion in the roster shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer/submission has been evaluated and determined as:
  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
  • Obtaining a minimum score of 70 points in the technical evaluation of a pre-determined set of technical criteria.
Technical criteria – 100% of total evaluation – max 100 points:
  • Criteria A – Relevant educational background,  max points: 20
  • Criteria B – Relevant work experience, max points: 60
  • Criteria C – Knowledge of UN SCR 1325 and women, peace and security agendas in the Western Balkans, max points: 20
Payments will be made upon confirmation by UN Women as to the satisfactory completion of deliverables (contractual obligations) under the contract.


Application procedures:
Qualified candidates are requested to apply online here. The application should contain:

  • Cover letter which explains why you are the most suitable candidate for the inclusion in roster along with financial information as to your expected daily fee/rate. Please paste the letter into the “Resume and Motivation” section of the electronic application; and
  • A completed P-11 form including past experience, education and the contact details of referees (a blank form can be downloaded from here; please upload the P11 instead of your CV.
Incomplete applications will not be considered:

  • Please make sure you have provided all requested information.
Please note that financial information (daily fee/rate) is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, vaccination and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services…).
Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.
Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

The deadline is September 9, 2012.

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