Red Umbrella Fund – Grant for Sex Workers

Deadline: 15 September 2012
Open to: groups or network led by sex workers for the benefit of sex workers
Grant: between $5,000 and $50,000.


The Red Umbrella Fund is the first-ever global grantmaking collaborative guided by and for sex workers. The fund was launched this year to support movements and organizations fighting for sex workers’ health, human and labour rights and self-determination.

The Red Umbrella Fund (RUF) aims to strengthen and ensure the sustainability of the sex worker rights movement by catalysing new funding specifically for sex worker-led organizations and national, regional and global networks.

The Fund will provide opportunities and grants for sex worker-led organizations to strengthen their capacities, such as organizational development and management, programme development and implementation, resource mobilization, advocacy and communication skills, and monitoring and evaluation.

The RUF will also raise visibility about the work of its grantees in key areas such as the recognition of sex work as work; the decriminalization of sex work; universal access to health services for sex workers; and the economic empowerment and social inclusion of sex workers as sex workers.


The Red Umbrella Fund provides funding to groups and networks that are:

  • based in any country in the world;
  • registered or unregistered;
  • women-led, male-led and trans-led.

If you want to apply, your group or network must:

  • be led by sex workers for the benefit of sex workers;
  • have an inclusive understanding of gender diversity;
  • have a democratic leadership;
  • have a rights-based approach;
  • engage in empowerment of sex workers and in strengthening the sex worker movement;
  • operate on the principle that sex work is legitimate work; and
  • embrace what the Red Umbrella Fund stands for


The Red Umbrella Fund has the specific mission to catalyse and raise new funding for sex-worker-led organizations and networks. The first-year grantmaking budget of the RUF is $700,000. The Red Umbrella Fund will provide start-up funding, multi-year and core funding, support for peer-led capacity-building and exchanges, and emergency grants to sex worker led organizations.  Grant amounts will be between $5,000 and $50,000.


Fill out the Application Form which can be downloaded from HERE.
Send in the completed application form no later than 15 September 2012 to:
By e-mail:
By post: The Red Umbrella Fund
c/o Mama Cash
P.O. Box 15686
1001 ND Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Application Guidelines
Application Form

The Official Website

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