Youth Volunteer Service Training, Montenegro

Deadline: 22 August, 2012
Open to:participantsfrom Albania, Belgium – DE, Belgium – FL, Belgium – FR, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey
1-7 September 2012 / Bar , Montenegro


The raining course hosted by ADP-Zid, a new member of Youth for Exchange and Understanding and it will gather volunteers, representatives of organization, youth coordinators to increase their knowledge and get skills about development of community services. Sharing experience together with another regional network SEEYN, the main aim of the training course will be to provide knowledge and skills to the organizations and to their active volunteer about development of services as tool for organizing community services which would afterwards continuously involve and keep youth to promote their experience in Youth in Action activities in order to increase number of new participants who would take part in program and as well to promote positive system of values in the society. Venue of Training course will be in Bar and it will last 7 days in the beginning of September of 2012. Having in mind that the project will transfer international knowledge into local and exchange examples of good practice it will inspire organization with new initiatives and possibilities in local communities which will be promoted on local and national level also through media of two networks involved.


As it was mentioned above, the training course aims to provide knowledge and skills to the organizations and to their active volunteer about development of services as tool for local development and will inspire organization with new initiatives and possibilities of it.  It will gather 33 volunteers, representatives of organization, youth coordinators coming form  Serbia, Malta, Belgium, BiH, Albania, Greece, The Netherlands, Macedonia, Turkey, Slovenia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Montenegro to increase their knowledge and get skills about development of community services.
It is recommended to Youth workers, Youth Policy Makers, interested in topic local community development. The working language is English.


You will be reimbursed 70% of your travel costs. Please, keep all original tickets-bills with you, because we will need them for the report and you will need them for reimbursement.
When we get back original tickets we will reimburse 70% of travel costs for all the participants on account of organization and on private accounts.
Bring with you number of International bank account and Instruction for payment from your bank.


For any questions which might concern you please direct to the contact mail of the organizers:
Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. Apply here.

Contact for questions:
Ana Škoflek
Phone: +382 67 688 925

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