Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, Italy

Deadline: 25/10/2012, (25 March for self- funded fellowships)
Open to:
Ph.D. applicants in Social and Human Sciences
Fellowship: € 2,000 per month


The overall aim of the Max Weber Programme (MWP), the largest postdoctoral training programme in the Social and Human Sciences in the world, is to support the fellows in the development of a successful academic career.
The most important benefits of the programme lie in the professional schooling it offers fellows. To this end they are affiliated with one of the EUI teaching departments, where they participate in seminars and workshops. Within the MWP, a broad variety of activities are organized for the fellows throughout the year with an individual focus on really developing to be internationally competitive. The Max Weber Programme is geared to developing the academic skills of postdoctoral fellows, while leaving ample time for individual research agendas.


Max Weber Fellowships are open to candidates who have received their Ph.D. or officially been accepted for defense by the time of the start of the programme (1 September).
Candidates are eligible during the five-year period following the successful completion of their Ph.D. For example, to apply for 2013/2014 you should have received or submitted your Ph.D. betweeen 1/9/2008  and 1/9/2013 and the Ph.D. defense should take place no later than 31/12/2013.
Extensions to the five-year rule are allowed for applicants whose academic career has been interrupted for maternity leave or illness. Cite circumstances in the application in the field ‘Additional Notes’. Successful candidates will be asked to provide supporting documents.
EUI graduates can only apply for Max Weber Fellowships after having been away from the EUI and in a full-time occupation or with another fellowship for at least one year after defending their Ph.D.
Candidates of all nationalities are eligible for the Max Weber Fellowships.
Fellows should have a good knowledge of English, the working language of the programme, and any other language relevant to their proposed research.


The Fellowships are awarded for 12 or 24 months. Candidates should indicate the preferred period in their application.The EUI reserves the right to award 12 months due to the high demand for MWP Fellowships. The period will be indicated in the award letter. Extensions or renewals are not allowed.
Fellows are required to live in Florence for the duration of their Fellowship in order that they may take an active part in the programme and in the academic activities of their department.
Financial conditions regarding the Max Weber Fellowships funded by the Max Weber Programme.
The basic stipend is € 2,000 per month.
Successful applicants who receive other grants or salaries must disclose this to the EUI. The amount of the fellowship will be fixed at a lower rate (minimum €1,250 per month) depending on the amount of the additional income.


If you want to apply, fill in the application form.
The deadline for the academic year 2013/2014 is 25 October 2012, but applications for self-funded fellowships will be considered until 25 March.
For further questions read FAQ .

Academic Service
European University Institute
via dei Roccettini 9
I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole

Tel. +39 055 4685 377
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The Official Website

3 thoughts on “Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, Italy

  1. I am a Bangladeshi Citizen. I have completed my PhD on Social work from renowned Bangladeshi Public University "University of Dhaka" from 2010.I am working for a national NGO as an Executive Director. Can I eligible for apply Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies?

    1. Dear Dr. Zaman, Mladiinfo cannot tell you if you are eligible or not. We only share information to different opportunities. Read the post carefully and see if you are a candidate. Additionally you have the official website and a link to FAQ for more information.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

  2. Innovation is “not a linear peirrgssoon of basic science into new products” and requires “patience, persistence and investment”.Music to my ears! But does it mean the same things to all of us? A simple University directed PUSH approach to knowledge generation is for instance unlikely to be effective in providing benefit to the institutions and sponsors of the research. The results of such a strategy are loaded into the landfill of the open literature and connection to use requires considerable diligence and luck on the part of those patient and desperate enough to pick through this repository.I would argue that the PULL approach as practised, here at least, is also less effective than it could be.It seems likely there are 3 very important components embodied in the path that leads from basic research to final benefit. Using generic terms these are, creativity the making of something different or new, analysis the (complete) understanding of something, and usefulness the formulation of need, what is already available and what values accrue to specific functionality. Design is a top down process that requires a high level of creativity and understanding of use in the generation of high level alternatives, (branches). Some analysis is also needed to allow evaluation of alternatives, (bounding), as we track down through the tree. As one descends towards the final stages of design the process generally becomes more mechanistic and the choices have less impact on the final value of the product..although of course one needs to guarantee that whatever we create actually works as intended. We invest and reward high levels of creativity and analysis within the research community but we tend to serve out the results in an ineffective manner. It is very nice to change the efficiency of a system, product or process a little at a time but true value and competitive advantage soars when we see a new way to achieve functionality or indeed see a need for completely new functionality.The current PULL and PUSH models tend then to promote an interaction between the research community and practitioners within industry who are working in the more detailed aspects of system design. I believe very strongly that we should seek cooperation between researchers, (or people who really know what research is being done), on one side, and the high level “design decision makers” in government and industry. This would inevitably lead to the targeting of “big picture” research which has the potential of maximum impact within the economy and of course is most fun for researchers to pursue!I understand that there are many cultures within our Universities and some perhaps have already developed effective arrangements to PUSH or PULL research between creator and user. I have always hoped that Engineering through it’s interest in Design could help form a bridge across which this cooperation could flourish. We did make some national progress in this direction a decade or so ago but it seems that the enthusiasm for such efforts has declined in favour of the traditional research and teaching models a great shame in my opinion!

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