Schwab Foundation Initiative for Innovative Organizations

Deadline: 31 October, 2012
Open to: innovative organizations based in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America
Benefits: Winners will have more benefits including  opportunity to participate in the regional meeting of the World Economic Forum, possible nomination to the Forum of Young Global Leaders etc.


The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship identifies a select community of social entrepreneurs and engages it in shaping global, regional and industry agendas that improve the state of the world in close collaboration with the other stakeholders of the World Economic Forum.

The foundation is currently accepting applications from organizations based in:

  • Asia/ Asia Pacific (except India))
  • Africa
  • Europe (except France and Switzerland)
  • Latin America (except Brazil, Chile, Venezuela)
  • Middle East and North Africa (except Israel)
  • North America

Criteria and Requirements

The criteria for organizations includes:

  1. the organization should be engaged in transformative social and/or environmental change through the application of innovative and practical approaches to benefit society in general;
  2. the organization should not only financially sustainable but that it can also demonstrate a sustainable business model and a proven track record;
  3. organizations should have a monitoring and evaluation system in place and be able to not only cite quantifiable data when discussing their impact but also explain how the information is used to improve the organization’s product or service offering;
  4. its  initiative has spread beyond its initial location and has been adapted successfully to other settings in the country or internationally;
  5. the initiative has been or can be adapted to other regions of the world to solve similar problems.

The innovation can take the form of a new product or service; a new production or distribution method; a new labour supply; the reformulation of an existing product for an underserved population; and/or new organizational structures or funding models.


Selected winners will gain a few benefits. Firstly, there is the opportunity to participate in the regional meeting of the World Economic Forum where the foundation  covers the costs of the registration fee, transportation, food and lodging for social entrepreneurs at his/her first regional event; they will also be included in the Schwab Foundation’s network of leading social entrepreneurs; possible nomination to the Forum of Young Global Leaders; possible nomination to the Global Agenda Councils; and they will be eligible to be further selected as part of the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur delegation to the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


Having read the criteria for selection, if you believe you qualify as a candidate, please download and complete the application form and return it by e-mail (  along with the requested documentation by 31 October 2012 (deadline may be subject to change).

For more information please visit the official website.

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