Volunteering in an ecovillage near Kyiv, Ukraine

Deadline: summer time 2012
Open to: everyone, especially volunteers who do not need visa for Ukraine (EU states and states with bilateral agreements with Ukraine)
Venue: near Yushky, Kiev region – Ukraine


This year a group of sustainability enthusiasts from Kyiv, Ukraine, has started to develop a new ecovillage near Yushky, Kiev region. The group is looking for volunteers to share the joy and help them with the construction.

The idea behind the project is to demonstrate that it is realistic to create an ecofriendly, autonomous, yet modern and open community where everyone can fully actualize oneself as a multifaceted personality.
The first stage of the project began in spring. We have explored the area, prepared the land, settled the campsite and even planted a garden. The ecovillage is situated in a beautiful draw. There is a stream, a forest, a beaver dam. A forest reserve is situated 2km from the building site.
Meanwhile basic living conditions are being created: improvement of the campsite, kitchen, shower, etc. Parallel to this the plan of the first common building is being developed. The house is to be built this summer, and it will become the community center later.
Big emphasis is set on the idea that as much as possible work is done using local materials and recycled objects. The construction and all accompanying works will continue until October.

What a volunteer gets

  • Applied skills for living in natural conditions
  • Knowledge about different technologies of environmentally friendly architecture
  • Hands-on experience in all types of work that accompany building and maintaining a sustainable house
  • Knowledge how to grow a permaculture garden
  • Practice different crafts (including but not limited to pottery, woodcutting, wickerwork, macramé etc.)
  • Tips on healthy lifestyle and much more.


The ecovillage is situated only 1h on bus from Kiev.

  • We offer vegetarian food three times a day. No alcohol or any other drugs are allowed on the building site
  • Living is provided in tents on the campsite or in a house in the village Yushky (you will have to take a sleeping bag and a rug with you anyway)
  • The toilet is outside
  • Shower water is heated by the sun
  • There is mobile network coverage on the building site and possibility to charge phones or laptops
  • Nice, cheerful people

The working day usually lasts 6 hours. In free time you can participate in walking trips to nearby river or lake (only 5 km to Dnipro, Ukraine’s biggest water artery), and of course visit the capital of our country – Kyiv. Depending on the time of arrival you can visit several summer festivals that traditionally take place in our region.


If you are interested, please fill in this application form: goo.gl/1rIUl

If you need visa to enter Ukraine it is recommended that you contact organizers as soon as possible, since the process of making an invitation for you lasts one month. Organizers especially encourage volunteers from countries, that do not require visa (EU states and states with bilateral agreements with Ukraine). The organizers can reach you with further details via e-mail.

You can check out the Facebook group or see some selected photos.

The official website

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