Deadline: 20 July 2012
Open to: Individuals who completed a degree at advanced level (MSc) in Physics, Engineering Physics, Chemical Physics or equivalent. The applicant must also be deemed to have the ability to successfully complete postgraduate studies
Scholarship: Benefits within a doctoral studentship
The Division of Combustion Physics is part of Lund Institute of Technology (LTH) at Lund University.
The research is internationally well established and oriented towards laser diagnostic in combustion processes relating to various practical combustion applications, e.g., vehicles, aircraft and power generation.
Part of the research is carried out at the premises of our industrial and academic partners. Currently about 40 persons are working at the unit.
The aim of the presented Ph.D. project is to further develop and apply a variety of advanced laser-based imaging techniques in order to obtain a better visualization and description of atomizing sprays. The applicant will mostly use a novel technique called Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI). The technique is able to suppress blurring effects introduced by multiple light scattering, allowing a unique visualization of complex spray structures. By means of SLIPI and on the use of complementary state-of-the-art laser diagnostics a comprehensive set of data, from the interior of the spray nozzle to the dilute spray region will be provided to CFD modelers.
The Ph.D. candidate position is structured to include 85% independent research work and 15% departmental work, including teaching, course work, etc. The project is supported by Vetenskaprådet.
A strong candidate will have strong experience in the subjects of optics (photonics, imaging, laser physics) and some experience in fluid mechanics. Knowledge in computer science and programming would also be appreciated but is not mandatory. Candidates are expected to present their work at international conferences and to publish results in respected scientific journals. Hence, both verbal and written communication skills in English are very important.
Students with basic eligibility for third-cycle studies are those who- have completed a second-cycle degree- have completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are from second-cycle courses, or- have acquired largely equivalent knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or abroad.Special eligibility requirements comprise knowledge from first-cycle studies or the equivalent, but can also refer to special professional experience. Additionally, sufficient knowledge of the subject area is required for third-cycle studies.
In order to be admitted to postgraduate studies in Physics, the student must have completed a degree at advanced level (MSc) in Physics, Engineering Physics, Chemical Physics or equivalent. The applicant must also be deemed to have the ability to successfully complete postgraduate studies. Exceptions can be made, in special cases, by the Board of LTH.
The employment of doctoral students is regulated in the Swedish Code of Statues 1998: 80. Only those who are or have been admitted to PhD-studies may be appointed to doctoral studentships. When an appointment to a doctoral studentship is made, the ability of the student to benefit from PhD-studies shall primarily be taken into account. In addition to devoting themselves to their studies, those appointed to doctoral studentships may be required to work with educational tasks, research and administration, in accordance with specific regulations in the ordinance.
In order to apply, go the the application page here.