Call for NIE/IRON Scholarship at University of Strasbourg

Deadline: 9 July, 2012
Open to: Students in the field of Physics and Material Chemistry with excellent academic background
Scholarship: Financial support of 436€ per month during 5 months and accommodation in an university student room (or equivalent), for 10 months


In the framework of the training program of the “Laboratoire d’excellence” NIE (Nanostructures in Interaction with their Environment) or IRON (Innovative Radiopharmaceuticals in Oncology and Neurology), students from France or abroad can apply for a Master 2 scholarship of the University of Strasbourg (cf. Appendix 1). These Master courses are in direct relation to one of the NIE or IRON founding laboratories:

  •  IPCMS : Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (www‐ipcms.u‐
  •  ICS : The Institut Charles Sadron (www‐ics.u‐
  •  ISIS : Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (www‐isis.u‐
  •  IPHC : Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (


Only students with an excellent academic background will be considered for this scholarship. As mentioned before, the call is opened for students from France and abroad.


For foreign students or French students who does not live in Strasbourg, the financial support is 436 Euros per month during 5 months, from 1 September to 31 January, 2013. As well, accommodation in an university room (or equivalent) is directly paid by NIE during 10 months, from 1 September to 30 June, 2013.
For University students of Strasbourg only the financial support is provided without accommodation.
From 1 February to 30 June, 2013 : 436€ per month financial support provided by a research laboratory due to the mandatory internship.


The applicant should fill in the information form of Appendix 2, and provide the supporting documents listed below. All documents in pdf format should be exclusively sent by electronic mail, before July 9th, 2012 (12pm, French time), to:

Supporting documents:

  •  The filled information form with the explicit choice for one of the Master 2 degrees listed inAppendix 1, and the signed commitment to perform the research training in one of the NIE or IRON laboratories
  • Copy of passport or national identity card (Schengen area) valid at least until July 31st 2013
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Examination marks from the Master 1 (or equivalent) university year
  • Letter presenting the applicant’s motivations for the Master 2 degree, written in French or
  • English
  • Two recommendation letters from University teaching staff who supervised the applicant
For more detailed information please see this document.

One thought on “Call for NIE/IRON Scholarship at University of Strasbourg

  1. Salam,man soali nadaram.Faghat minatum begam lezat bordam az webloget va in hesse khubi ke behem montaghel kard ,kasi ke inghad khubo kheyrkhahane rahnamaee kone beyne irania kame va motmaenam ham moafaghi va ham in moafaghiatet edame dar khahad bud.Best RegardsLida

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