Cognitive Neuroscience PhD Fellowship 2012/13, Bologna, Italy

Deadline: June 19, 2012
Open to: international students holding a Master degree (University training of 5 years -3 + 2) in Psychology, Neuroscience or in other relevant subjects
Scholarship:16,000 Euros


University of Bologna, Italy offers scholarships for a Doctoral Position in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience  and four prestigious foreigner institutions. Students entering the program will be granted a three year institutional fellowship.
Cognitive Neuroscience is concerned with how cognitive and emotional functions are implemented via the architecture of the human brain. A key factor in the development of this discipline has been the integration of several academic disciplines that have historically been quite separate. These include: cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology and neuroanatomy.


Students entering the program will be granted a three year institutional fellowship, either provided by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research or, whenever available, by any of the participating institutions or by private institutions. For the academic year 2012-2013 the gross yearly amount of the fellowships provided to the students for this program is 16,000 Euros. An additional monthly allowance of approximately 450 Euros is provided for the period spent abroad by the students. If after the standard three-year period students have not completed and submitted their thesis, they are allowed one yeas extension before their PhD thesis defence. During this period no fellowship will be provided.


Candidates can apply to the program without any restriction of age or citizenship. The Italian students must hold an Italian university degree of 5 years (vecchio ordinamento or laurea specialistica/magistrale, 3+2 years). For foreign applicants: before entering the PhD Program students must (i) complete a 3 years period to get their degree in Psychology, Neuroscience or in other relevant subjects, and (ii) complete the further 2 years period to get a Masters Degree. Thus, students will not be accepted into this PhD Program without previous University training of 5 years (3 + 2).


Requirements for admission to PhD programs are specified by national laws. Foreign citizens applying to the Program will have to obtain a recognized and officially translated version of their Diploma from the Italian Government Representative (Embassy or Consulate) in their country of origin. Application deadlines are established on a yearly basis and are given high visibility through the appearance of advertisement on major specialized international journals and the publication of an official call on the website of the University of Bologna. Applications can be filled out either in English or in Italian.

Application service

Mandatory documents to be enclosed to the application:

  • A complete curriculum vitae (with a list of publications, if available);
  • Degree certificate with the grade awarded and a list of the examinations taken;
  • Certification of examinations passed, with the grades awarded (for graduands);
  • Research project (max 2 A4 pages);
  • 2 reference letters (to be sent directly to Prof. Elisabetta Ladavas: The reference letters should contain an evaluation of the candidate and at least one letter should come from the recent or past research supervisor
    Other documents to be enclosed, if available:
  • Publications

Application must be sent by 19 June,  2012.
The list of admitted candidates will be post on the PhD program website ( and at the premises of the Department of Psychology from September 2nd 2012 on.

The Official Website

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