Marie Curie Action: Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF)

Deadline: 16 August 2012
Open to: Experienced researchers
Fellowship: Covering a monthly living allowance, a monthly mobility allowance, contribution to overheads and other


This action provides financial support to individual mobility proposals presented by experienced researchers in liaison with  host organisations established in the Member States or  Associated Countries.
Experienced researchers applying to this action need to develop a research training project for the total duration of the  fellowship that will enable the  experienced researcher to progress in the development of his/her  career. The fellowship is expected to be part of a structured, long-term personal career development plan that is coherent with past achievements and clearly defines the future aims of the researcher.


Intra-European Fellowships are directed exclusively at  experienced researchers, namely those who either:

  • have at least 4 years of research experience (full-time equivalent) after obtaining the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the research training will be provided; or
  • are already in possession of a doctoral degree (PhD).


The financial support for Intra-European Fellowships takes the form of a grant covering up to 100% of the budget, according to a system of flat rates for eligible cost categories, comprising the following components:

  1. A monthly living allowance,
  2. A monthly mobility allowance,
  3. Intra-European Fellowships 2012: this is a monthly payment of a flat rate contribution amount to be paid to the experienced researcher and to cover expenses related to the mobility (relocation, family expenses, language courses, travel expenses etc.).
    • €1,000/month: experienced researcher with family obligations. In this context family is defined as people linked to the researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the national legislation of the country of the host organisation or of the nationality of the researcher; or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher;
    • €700/month: experienced researcher without family obligations.
  4. A contribution to the training expenses of the experienced researcher: it may cover any costs related to the successful execution of the project by the fellow (e.g. purchase of consumables, participation in conferences and training courses, fees for scientific journals, memberships in scientific associations etc.), and which would normally not arise if the fellow was not hosted at the host organisation, are eligible. This contribution is paid as a flat-rate: €800 per researcher-month.
  5. Contribution to overheads: Flat-rate of €700 per researcher-month, to which the correction factor for the cost of living is applied.


In order to apply, one should submit adequate proposal.

More information can be obtained at The Official Website.

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