Pegasus Marie Curie Fellowships

Deadline: 1 May 2012
Open to: Holders of a PhD or a degree, in any scientific area
Scholarship:  Postdoctoral fellowships of 3 years at a Flemish university or postdoctoral fellowships of 1 year at a Flemish university


The goals of PEGASUS are:

  •  to attract excellent postdoctoral researchers to Flanders in order to contribute to the advancement of Flemish science
  •  to provide the selected fellows with optimal conditions to further develop their research career in Flanders or abroad.


On the start date of the fellowship, the candidate must have obtained a PhD or a degree, in any scientific area.

The PhD must have been obtained by June 1 prior to the start of the fellowship (for those fellowships starting on October 1), or by November 1 prior to the start of the fellowship (for the short fellowships starting on January 1 of the next year). This means that candidates may apply prior to the actual defence of the PhD thesis.

Applicants for a Pegasus-long fellowship can only apply within 6 years after obtaining their PhD.

Applicants for a Pegasus-short fellowship can only apply within 10 years after obtaining their PhD.

In both cases, the number of years is calculated at the planned starting date of the fellowship, and the time limit is extended by one year per pregnancy or parental leave, counted at the time of application. However, the rule does not apply to candidates who have not yet reached the age of 36 at the beginning of the fellowship.Pegasus fellowships are specifically directed towards incoming mobility. Therefore, the candidate must have been active abroad for at least two of the three years prior to the start of the fellowship.

The host institution where the fellow will carry out the research should be one of the Flemish universities:

Collaboration with other Flemish or Federal research institutions is possible, but always under the guidance and supervision of a Flemish University.

The candidate must have research experience at an outstanding level, demonstrated with an extensive CV and list of publications.

Mastery of academic English at an advanced level is required.


Within PEGASUS two options are possible:

·        Pegasus-long: postdoctoral fellowships of 3 years at a Flemish university. These fellowships are renewable once in open competition with the regular FWO postdoctoral fellows. 30 Pegasus-long fellowships are available, to be granted in a single call.

·        Pegasus-short: Postdoctoral fellowships of 1 year at a Flemish university. These fellowships are not renewable, but candidates can apply afterwards in the open competition for a regular postdoctoral fellowship of three years. This short fellowship is available under the form of an employment contract (standard option) or a stipend (at request).

Applicants can submit a proposal in any of the 5 following scientific domains:

  •  Biological sciences
  •  Humanities
  •  Social sciences
  •  Medical sciences
  •  Exact and applied sciences


Necessary documents for online application can be found below:

Reglement voor de Pegasus Marie Curie mandaten van het Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO)


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