SIDA Grant for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression

Deadline: 15 April 2012
Open to: actors for change, individuals, groups and civil society organisations working for democratisation and freedom of expression
Grant: varies according to project


The Government of Sweden has decided to continue the special initiative for democratisation and freedom of expression launched in 2009. The initiative aims at supporting actors for change, individuals, groups and civil society organisations working for democratisation and freedom of expression.

The objective of this Call for Proposals is improved conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratisation and freedom of expression. The interventions shall contribute to improved conditions and increased opportunities for actors for change to work for enhanced democratisation and freedom of expression and the reduction of various forms of discrimination and oppression.

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) invites organisations and other relevant actors to submit a Full Application for programmes/projects which might be considered under this support mechanism.


In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must be a legal person or an entity without legal personality (Grant applications may be eligible if submitted by entities which do not have legal personality under the applicable national law, provided that their representatives have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf, and assume financial liability); and be non-profit making;

The applicant can be one of the following types of entities:

  • civil society organisation, including non-governmental organisation, and/or networks thereof at community, national, regional and global level
  • inter-governmental organisation
  • community-based organisation
  • public sector agency
  • private sector agency
  • foundation
  • human rights defenders
  • actors in free and independent media including citizen journalists, bloggers and professional journalists
  • actors in cultural life
  • gender equality activists and women’s rights activists
  • LGBT activists
  • lawyers
  • youth organisations
  • researchers and think tanks
  • political dissidents
  • party-affiliated organisations
  • trade- and labour unions
  • faith-based groups
  • indigenous and minority groups
  • non-violent resistance groups

The above list is not exhaustive and the categories are not in order of priority.

Exile organisations or organisations working for actors in exile may also be supported, provided that the activities aim at strengthening actors for change in the country of origin.

The inclusion of ‘sub-granting’ whereby an applicant provides financial support in the form of grants to third parties, is allowed under this Call for Proposals, in order to reach small community-based organisations and their operations in e.g. remote rural areas or multiple actors for democratic change in several regions or countries.

Emphasis will be given to support to actors working for democratisation and freedom of expression in countries and contexts characterized by lack of respect for human rights and where fundamental freedoms are hampered, and where there is limited room for political pluralism.


If you consider your organisation and intervention to be eligible for support under this Call for Proposals, please fill out the following documents:

Full Application Format including Annex 1-4 -to be found for downloading on the Official Website under “Annexes”

In addition also provide:
An externally audited annual report and audit memorandum/management letter.

These completed documents including annexes and mentioned audit documents will constitute the application.
The application must be written in English or Swedish. No hand-written applications will be accepted.
No additional annexes should be submitted.

The application must be submitted per e-mail and in the heading of the e-mail, please write: CfP Demo 1.
The application must be submitted to the following e-mail address:
Deadline for submitting applications is 15th of April 2012.
Questions regarding this Call for Proposals may be sent via e-mail to the following e-mail address:


The amount set aside for the Special Initiative is decided by the Government upon a yearly basis. The funds allocated for 2012 amount to SEK 215 000 000. A substantial part of the budget is expected to be allocated via such open calls for proposals.

The Official Website

One thought on “SIDA Grant for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression

  1. t am very encouraged with what I have read in this page. This is a clear prove that there are people out there-including Governments who care about the well being of others in the context of freedom of expression and other freedoms.

    Keep up the Good work for the Good of Humanity- Will definitely apply

    Lawrence Kiyoro Mburu

    Njoro -Kenya

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