Training Seminar for Trainers on Democratic Youth Participation and Youth Policy for Social Inclusion in Serbia

Deadline: 15 February 2012
Open to: Trainers, youth workers, youth leaders or civil servants/youth office coordinators actively working on issues of youth policy, youth participation and/or social inclusion at local, national or European level
Venue:  5-11 March 2012, Serbia


The Council of Europe Youth Department in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Serbia organises a traning course on youth participation and youth policy for social inclusion in Serbia.

The course aims to further develop the competences of 25 trainers and youth workers, coming from Serbia and the neighbouring area, in order to contribute to the development of the quality of youth work in Serbia, based on the quality standards developed by the Council of Europe.

The course will combine residential seminar in Stara Planina, 5-11 March 2012, a project phase supported through distance learning and mentoring of participants.

The aim and objectives of the long term training course:

  • The course aims to develop the competences of twenty-five trainers, coming from Serbia and the neighbouring area, in order to contribute to the development of the quality of youth work in Serbia, based on the quality standards developed by the Council of Europe.

The course objectives are:

  •  to increase the knowledge on the Council of Europe values and principles, as well as work particularly in the youth sector and in respect to youth policy, youth participation and social inclusion of young people;
  •  to develop the knowledge and understanding of participants on youth work, nonformal education, youth policy, youth participation and social inclusion;
  •  to further increase knowledge about the Council of Europe’s Revised Charter on Participation of Young People at Local and Regional level, the Have your Say manual on youth participation and the European Social Charter;
  •  to develop the competences in advocacy for youth work, non-formal education and participatory youth policy;
  •  to develop the competences in developing, planning and implemention of educational activities based on the values and principles, notably intercultural non-formal education, but as well as quality criteria of the Council of Europe;
  •  to initiate the development a national network of trainers able to further support work on youth participation and social inclusion at local and national level.

Competences addressed by the course:

  • knowledge and understanding of the values and principles of the Council of Europe ;
  • knowledge and understanding of the specifics of youth work and non-formal education, including youth workers training;
  • knowledge and understanding of the Council of Europe Revised Charter on Participation of Young People at Local and Regional level, European Portfolio for Youth Leaders and Youth Workers, the Have your Say manual on youth participation and the European Social Charter;
  • knowledge and understanding of youth policy and youth policy mechanisms particularly in respect to social inclusion and participation of young people;
  • competence to advocate for youth work, non-formal education and youth policy;
  • planning of educational activities based and through the values and principles of the Council of Europe;
  • development of educational approaches, based on non-formal education; 4
  • design, implementation and evaluation of training programmes;
  • work in intercultural teams and with intercultural groups;
  • organization and facilitation learning process of groups and individuals;
  • self-directed learning;
  • to reflect and ensure quality of intercultural non-formal education.

The course aims to also initiate the development of a national network of trainers able to ensure quality in different youth educational training programmes.


The course will bring together 25 participants: 20 trainers and experienced youth workers resident in the Republic of Serbia and 5 international participants from states party to the European Cultural Convention other than Serbia (mainly from neighbouring countries of Serbia).

All participants should:

  • be trainers, youth workers, youth leaders or civil servants/youth office coordinators actively working on issues of youth policy, youth participation and/or social inclusion at local, national or European level;
  • be motivated and interested to explore the concept of youth participation and youth policy;
  • be in a position to multiply the experience gained in the course in their realities, through training projects;
  • be able to follow-up the results of the training course within their organisations or institutions;
  • be available to attend the full duration of the courses, and commit themselves to a minimum 1hour/week to e-learning based activities;
  • have ICT competences necessary to fully participate in e-learning phase of the training course and have access to internet for 1-2 hours/week;
  • be able to work autonomously in English, both oral and written communication;
  • be aged between 18-35 years, exceptions can be made on basis of strong justification.

The international participants should, in addition to the above criteria, also:

  • be able to act as resource persons in the training course;
  • be interested in developing cooperation projects on youth policy and youth participation with NGOs and institutions from Serbia;
  • be supported by an organisation/institution.

Priority will be given to participants residing/ or actively working in South East Europe.


International participants 

Travel expenses

Travel expenses and visa fees are reimbursed, based on relevant receipts, according to the rules of the Council of Europe. The travel reimbursement will be done by bank transfer after the course. Only participants who attend the entire duration of the course will be reimbursed. You will have to organise your travel from your place of residence to Belgrade and back. Bus transport from Belgrade to Stara Planina will be provided by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia.


Board and lodging for the training seminar will be provided and paid for by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia. The accommodation will be arranged in hotel Stara Planina, in double rooms.

Participants resident in the Republic of Serbia


Bus transport between Belgrade and Stara Planina will be provided and organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia. Travel expenses from place of residence to Belgrade are the responsibility of Serbian participants.

Board and lodging for the training seminar will be provided and paid for by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia.


Please note that the selection of participants is realised separately. If you are a resident in the Republic of Serbia, please send this application form to:

If you are a resident of a state party to the European Cultural Convention other than Serbia (international participants), please send this application form to:

All application forms must be duly completed and submitted by 15 February 2012.

For more information please read the Official call.

The Official Website

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