New TH!NK Project Seeks Multimedia Reporters

Deadline: Spring 2012
Open to:  Reporters
Remuneration: Not specified


The European Journalism Centre is proud to announce the rebirth of the new TH!NK project, which is anticipated to launch in the Spring of 2012.

Following a total of five competition rounds spread over a period of three years, TH!NK ABOUT IT, the EJC’s international blogging competition series, is taking it to the next level and will be revamped into a sustainable platform where selected reporters will cover timely international topics through multimedia reporting.

The selected reporters are asked to perform and showcase how to best report about the latest “hot topics” by using multimedia outlets such as photo, audio, video, data visualisation, infographics etc. These selected reporters will have a chance to represent the new project and report from various international conferences and events. In addition, there will be a close tie-up to the next edition of CL!CK ABOUT IT, which will focus on the topic “Crisis & Disaster”.


Enthusiastic, committed and excited reporters from all around the world are eligible to apply for participating in the new TH!NK project.


If you would you like to be part of this new TH!NK project sign up today by filling out the application form. Please keep in mind that due to a limited number of openings, a strict selection process will take place.

The Official Website

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