Deadline: 31 July 2012
Open to: Scholars, scientists and educators
Costs: USD150 full registration fee
Venue: Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education,Owerri- Imo State, Nigeria from 22 to 26 October 2012
The International Conference on Science and Technology Education(ICSTE2012) will be held at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri (Nigeria), from the 22 to 26 October 2012. The conference is organized by African Association for Teaching and Learning (AATL); African Society for the Scientific Research(AASR), Mediterranean Center for Social and Educational Research (MCSER), Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS), Prague Development Center (PRADEC), Indian Society for Education and Environment and International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI) in cooperation with other institutions.
ICSTE2012 is an international forum for those who wish to present their projects and innovations, having also the opportunity to discuss the main aspects and the latest results in the fields of Education and Research. Their aim is to inspire and provoke crucial discussions and debates. The event boasts critical thinking and reconsiders policies and practices.
ICSTE2012 seeks a diverse and comprehensive program covering all areas of science and technology teaching, learning and development. The program includes a wide range of activities designed to facilitate the exchange of expertise, experience, and resources amongst colleagues.
The event would bring together more than 1000 delegates including teachers, scientists, technologists, policy makers and graduate students from across the globe to promote exchange and discussion of issues relating to the theme and sub-themes.
The International Conference on Science and Technology Education (ICSTE2012) is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of original peer-reviewed, contributed and invited articles to improve and enhance science and technology education at all levels worldwide. Topics covered can be categorized as disciplinary (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering and the learning processes related to their acquisition and assessment of results), technological (computer, video, audio and print), and organizational (legislation, administration, implementation and teacher enhancement). Insofar as technology is playing an increasing role both in the understanding and the development of science disciplines and in the delivery of information, the journal includes it as a component of science education. The conference provides a stimulating and informative variety of papers geared toward theory and practice in the hope that common information shared among a broad coalition of individuals and groups involved in science education will facilitate future efforts.
This is an excellent opportunity for scholars to come together from all over the world to share their works, experiences and ideas by presenting paper or by simply observing, and as with all likely events, there will be a number of programs and activities.
The Conference attracts a range of science educators, engineers, technologists, scientists, researchers, innovators, teachers, students, activists, administrators, professionals and others. Attendees join together to share ideas, experiences, views and their passion for quality teaching and learning.
If you want to chair a session, organize a panel, evaluate papers to be published in the congress proceeding, books or journals, contribute to the editing or any other offer to assist, please send an email to the secretariat.
Corporate Participation
As a global event for the advancement and innovation in learning, industry and technology a wide range of opportunities are available to present research-oriented/industrial papers. Corporate bodies can showcase and market their products and services. For information about corporate showcases and other corporate activities, please contact the secretariat.
All Participants must complete the registration form. Payment of Conference registration should be made in USD in the form of bank transfer (all costs at Participant’s charge). We request that you send us a computer print-out copy of the bank transfer and the duely completed registration form by email attachment. Additional information is provided on the registration form. Without the receipt of your completed registration form, print-out copy of the bank transfer and signed Copyright Agreement, it means you are not registered for the Conference.
Registration Fees
Full Registration USD150
Late registration USD170
Student Registration USD50
Accompanying Person USD75
The bank transfer is the method of payment. Please see the Conference registration form for details.
Grant and Support
Aiming at encouraging intended participants, the conference organizers have created a solidarity fund. A limited sponsorship is available for participants from the developing countries. Young scholars below the rank of Senior Lecturer or its equivalent and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Support may be in the form of full sponsorship including travel grants and boarding or partial sponsorship.
If you want to chair a session, organize a panel, evaluate papers to be published in the congress proceeding, books or journals, contribute to the editing or any other offer to assist, please send an email to the secretariat.
Submission Requirements
- Please see the guideline( see Information for Authors)
- All proposals must be in English.
- At least an author of each paper must be registered and pay the appropriate Conference fee.
- All communication will be with the corresponding author.
- Participants who registered for the Conference but unable to attend will have the Conference materials mailed to their registered contact address.
- All presenters must present at the time scheduled by the Committee. Requests for specific time slots will not be accepted
- The Conference provides basic equipment for presenters.
- ICSTE can offer limited financial support for participation.
- All Participants must pay appropriate Conference registration fee. However, we strive to keep our registration fee low for all attendees.
- Presentations that advertise commercial products will not be accepted. However, if you have a commercial product to show case, for exhibition or marketing, please contact the secretariat.
Information for Authors
1. The paper should be A4 format. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be 2.00 cm each. English is the official language of the conference.
2. Title should be 14-point, all in capital letters, bold and centered.
3. Font size throughout the paper should be 12-point in Garamond, in single space, and justified.
4. The whole text should be written with “Garamond”.
5. Do not give page numbers for the paper
6. A blank line should be left after the title. Names of authors, affiliations and e-mails should be provided after the title.
7. Following the authors’ information, a 200-word abstract should be provided with five keywords. The “Abstract” should be a summary of the paper.
8. Graphics and pictures should be prepared in black and white.
9. One blank line should be allowed between the components of the paper (i.e. introduction, methods and procedures, results, conclusion, references.). Main headings should be centered, bold and capitalized. The second level of headings should be title case and bold. The third level should be italicized and upper- and lower-case heading.
10. For titles of tables, graphics and pictures, sentence case should be used.
11. Texts used in Tables, graphics and pictures should be Garamond. The font size can be reduced to 10 pt.
12. References should be at the end of the paper and should be listed alphabetically. References and citations within the text should be prepared in the APA format.
13. Abbreviations should comply with the standard use. They should be given in full format at the first place they are used.
14. The paper should be maximum 10 pages
15. SI unit should be employed where applicable
16. Only proposals containing abstract and full texts are acceptable. We do not welcome only abstracts.
17. All submissions must be by email attachment preferably in MS words. We do not accept hard copies
18. All papers must adhere to this template in format. No paper can be processed if not formatted according to the stated rules and regulations.
19. Papers submitted after July 31, 2012 may be presented at the conference but they may not be published in the conference book
20. The first 50 registered participants will collect free copies of our previous publications.
21. All papers should be submitted to
Selection Criteria
All proposals (in English) are selected on basis of clarity, quality and relevance to the Conference theme and Sub- themes. A blind review process will be used to evaluate all submissions. ICSTE regrets that it cannot select all proposals submitted. It should not be assumed that prior participation in the event guarantees selection for ICSTE2012. Space is limited.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline – Until July 31, 2012
- Registration Deadline – Early Bird: Until March 31, 2012: – Late: As from 1st April, 2012
- Conference dates – October 22-26, 2012 (Owerri-Nigeria))
Conference Venue
ICSTE2012 will take place at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education,Owerri- Imo State, Nigeria.
You can read more information about the topics, speakers and organizers in the Official Call for participants.
Contact Information
For more information or clarification on any aspect of the Conference, please contact the conference organizers, Dr Jacinta Agbarachi Opara, Co-Chair, ICSTE2012 International Scientific Committee, email: