Marc de Montalembert Prize

Deadline: 30 November 2011
Open to: citizens of a country on the Mediterranean coast, under 35 years old
Prize: 8000 Euros

The Marc de Montalembert Foundation and the National Institute of Art History (INHA) have joined together for the attribution of the Marc de Montalembert Prize, a sum of 8000 euros. This prize is intended to support the realisation of a research project contributing to an improved knowledge of Mediterranean arts and culture.


This call is open to citizens of the countries on the Mediterranean costs, under the age of 35.

Applicants must:
– be a citizen of a country on the Mediterranean coast, or have been born in one of these countries,
– be less than 35 years of age on the closing date of the applications period,
– hold a university degree
– good level of knowladge of French


The prize of 8000 Euro is intended to support the realisation of a research project contributing to an improved knowledge of Mediterranean arts and culture.


The realization of the project, which should last around six to nine months, will begin with a onemonth stay in Paris, as a visiting researcher at the INHA. It will end with a second stay in Paris during which the results of the project will be publicly presented. The costs of these two trips are to be covered by the Marc de Montalembert Foundation and the INHA on an inclusive basis.

The chosen applicant will benefit from the support of an academic advisor from the INHA, with whom he/she will remain in regular contact. The results of the project will be published and disseminated in a suitable form, assisted by the INHA.


Applicants will be assessed according to their Curriculum Vitae and on their project, its originality and its interest, feasibility and relevance concerning the Mediterranean region and the areas of research covered by the INHA. Indeed, applicants will be required to precisely link their project to one of the INHA’s areas of research, the list of which may be consulted below:

List of areas of research and contacts at the INHA

  • Annie Claustres, – Academic advisor, History of contemporary art
  • Martine Denoyelle, – Academic advisor, History of antique art
  • Jean-Philippe Garric, – Academic advisor, History of architecture
  • Chantal Georgel, – Academic advisor, History of taste
  • Jean-Marie Guilloüet, – Academic advisor, History of mediaeval art
  • Anne Lafont, – Academic advisor, History of art history
  • Julie Ramos, – Academic advisor, Art beyond the fine arts
  • Zahia Rahmani, – Official representative, Art and architecture in globalisation

The presentation of the project must be accompanied by a covering letter and two letters of recommendation, signed by qualified professionals capable of certifying the quality of the project. This presentation must include a working calendar, previsions for costs linked to its accomplishment and a brief description of the expected results in view of their possible diffusion.

The project may be presented in French or English, but the covering letter must be written in French and the applicant must have a good enough level of French to be able to conduct his/her research and to benefit from the tutorial supervision of the INHA. Projects are individual and cannot be associated with doctoral research nor exhibitions and events.

Application deadline is 30 November 2011. The announcement of the winner will be done at the end of January 2012.

The Official Call

The Official Website

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