PhD position in Mathematical Analysis, Sweden

Deadline: 15 August, 2011
Open to: Everybody who performs the conditions
Scholarship: The PhD position has a four-year time limit and leads to a doctor’s degree. In addition to coursework and research, the position normally includes undergraduate teaching or other departmental duties, amounting to a maximum of 20%.

Karlstad University–the modern university–is characterised by a combination of active cooperation with external partners and academic excellence. Karlstad University has around 12 500 students and a staff of over 1 200 members. At the Department of Mathematics, future engineers, scientists and teachers are educated and trained. At Karlstad University, research is pursued in many mathematical fields, one of which is mathematical analysis. A PhD position is now available in mathematical analysis within the area of real and harmonic analysis. Candidates are assessed individually and admission is based on their capacity to successfully complete the program.


  • Candidates must meet the general and special requirements for admission to doctoral studies and have the capacity required to complete the program.
  • A person who has earned a Master’s degree of at least 240 ECTS credits of which at least 60
  • ECTS credits are studies at Master’s level, or who in some other way in the country or abroad has acquired the equivalent knowledge has general eligibility for admission. A person who has an advanced level degree in mathematics or for the position other relevant area has special eligibility for admission to doctoral studies in mathematics.
  • Also candidates who are close to fulfilling the eligibility requirements are welcome to apply on the condition that they submit a version of their degree thesis work in progress.
  • Special consideration will be given to the candidate’s degree project and any other independent projects. The successful candidate is expected to be able to work independently on mathematical problems and to cooperate with other researchers, teachers and the general public. Good command of written and oral English is a requirement.


The application should include a personal letter with a description of qualifications and interests, a CV, copies/transcripts of degree certificates, degree projects and any other publications, and contact details of two reference persons. Application should be submitted elecronically at NetRecruiter.

Docent Sorina Barza, 054-700 18 88
Prefekt Eva Mossberg, 054-700 18 27
Dekanus Jan van Stam, 054-700 24 79

The Official Website

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