Call for Country representatives of Mladiinfo network in CEE and SEE

Deadline: 12 August 2011
Open to: All interested people from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Poland, Hungary, Kosovo, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

Mladiinfo ( ) is not only a link for free education but a youth initiative and opportunity for a youth movement toward changes in your country. Everybody needs to know about the Mladiinfo as web platform/project/network. We need people that can promote our mission and idea and also to coordinate things in their city/country. Skills like writing, social media, marketing, graphic design, journalism, project management, enthusiasm and courage are needed to spread the word of the Mladiinfo initiative in as many places in Europe as possible.

Do you

  • Want to promote Mladiinfo in your city and/or country?
  • Want to speak in public about the Mladiinfo Initiative?
  • Have good social skills and are you confident and enthusiastic when you speak to people?
  • Have organized (small) events/projects before and want to become more experienced in non-profit sector?
  • Want to make the Mladiinfo branch in your country?
  • Live in the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Poland, Hungary, Kosovo, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

What you will be doing

  • Disseminate Mladiinfo news in your country/social networks
  • Inform us about links/events/news and interesting websites in your country
  • Increase the profile of Mladiinfo in your country
  • Develop the Mladiinfo community in your country
  • Form or join a team of people that can help each other to execute the tasks involved
  • Organize activities that fit within the theme of the Initiative ( education, volunteering, exchanges..)
  • Work together with other team members, coordinators and volunteers that can help you accomplish your goals
  • Work to unite youth in your city/country who have been studied aboard and want to share their experience with others
  • Propose projects, identify partnerships and highlight funding opportunities in your country
  • Get the local government(s), foundations, donors interested and support in any form (money, publicity, manpower, knowledge, etc.)

What can we offer? (position is unpaid)

  • If you become Country representative, you can come on our Network meeting in Macedonia in October 2011 for free
  • As Country representative, you join the other planned meetings in 2012 for free, which are on a regular basis in one of the home towns of the Mladiinfo network members. We try to refund travel costs as much as we can.
  • You get to work on a challenging, international project which will stand out on your resume
  • You get to meet new people from across Europe and beyond that extend your network, something that can be very powerful in your future career
  • The opportunity to come to our events around Europe and meet other coordinators
  • To meet with policy makers and stakeholders through participation in Mladiinfo events
  • You work with a friendly team of people who put their heart in the project and will embrace you as one of them
  • E-mail and Skype support when necessary from Mladiinfo Team members
  • You will be officially announced as Country representative in the Network section of Mladiinfo web page
Do you recognize yourself in this and are you interested in this position? If you are interested in becoming a Mladiinfo country representative, please send your CV and motivation letter up to August 12th ,2011 on

40 thoughts on “Call for Country representatives of Mladiinfo network in CEE and SEE

      1. Dear Guri, Georgia will also be in the next round of countries, we are spreading the network step by step, we really want to have good representatives that would not stay only on the list, but working,we will definitely have another call soon

    1. Dear Dina, thank you for your interest, but at this moment we are spreading the network to CEE and SEE countries, we will continue to other countries in the following period, especially in the EU region.

  1. Dear Mladiinfo,

    I have a question whether there are already received CVs and motivational letters from Bulgaria. I am preparing my motivational letter at the moment and I am going to send it very soon.


    Baycho Georgiev

    1. Dear Bayco Georgiev,

      The call is still open, so feel free to send your CV and motivation letter, regardless of whether other people from Bulgaria have applied already.

      Kind Regards,

  2. Dear Mladiinfo

    When I read it, i have two questions.

    First question is: Did we must know fluency English?

    Second question is: how long is mandate for as Country representative?

    In hope that you will answer on my questions, thanks in advance.

    Big greetings!

    1. Dear Sanja, as you could see the whole web page and the call for representative is written on English, our network should have a common language of communication and of course our representatives have to have fluent English, second the mandate will be established additionally, of course will be long as the coordinator is fulfilling the tasks already written in this call

  3. Dear Mladiinfo,

    I have questions here and I hope you will understand me. 🙂

    1. If we send to you motivation letter and CV to 12 August, when we can check on mail for results?

    2. Well, if I had many experiences in NGO and in this situation would the english language create for me problemms because i am not perfect in grammar but i can very good speaking and understanding ?

    Thank you in advance for answers. 🙂

    Regards 😉

    1. Dear Lazar, results will be available in one month after the deadline, for the second question: we do not look for perfect English skills as none of us is English native speaker, we need a person who is able to communicate on English, meaning: speaking, writing and reading on some average/advance level.

    1. Dear Dragana,
      The whole call is written on English,our web page is on English and our official language of communication is English, meaning that of course the CV should be on English

  4. Dear Sir/Madam,

    As is known the Maldifinfo is doing several fantastic things to the youth community to mention just a a few. If the youth is then the target group of the info, what about us: Ethiopians and the wider youth in the entire Africa. We would like to hear good news from you guys and I want personally represent and work with you.

    Yours truly,

    1. Dear Solomon,

      Thank you for your interest, but, as it has already been mentioned in the above comments, this call is focused only on Europe. We are not accepting applications outside the above mentioned countries.

      Kind regards,

    1. Dear Bora,

      Unfortunately the call is already closed. The deadline was 12 August 2011 and it applied to all of the countries, including Albania.

      Kind regards,

    1. Dear Renata,

      Yes, we have received applications form people form Lithuania and the deadline has passed. Unfortunately, you can not apply.

      Kind regards,

  5. Hello

    I am Matlab from Azerbaijan. I have question regarding country representative: Can be some exceptions – I would like to be a represant of Mladiinfo in my country.

    King regards,


    1. Dear Matlab,

      This call was designed for the listed countries. Some time in the near future there will be a new call for other countries outside of Europe and the Caucasus region will be included.

      Kind regards,

    1. Dear James,

      Unfortunately, currently we only accept applications from the above mentioned countries. If we ever decide to cover your region as well, there will be an open call and you will be able to apply.

      Kind Regards,

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