MEdiT’11 Convention on Media and Non-formal Learning in Intercultural Youth Dialogue

Deadline: 3 July 2011
Open to: young people involved in a European youth organisation
Costs: no participation fee, accommodation and food provided by the organisers, travel costs partly (up to 70%) reimbursed
Dates and Venue: 26 – 30 October 2011, Helsinki

In October 2011, the European Youth Parliament Finland hosts MEdiT’11 – a convention gathering over 30 young committed individuals for five days to discuss, experience, and shape future ideas about using media in intercultural youth dialogue and the role of the media in non-formal learning. The aim of MEdiT’11 is to gather, revise, and disseminate knowledge and best practices in the this field.

Between 26th and 30th of October the participants engage in an open space format to share and learn about topics they find important and inspiring. Each participant acts as a learner and as a trainer. In this way, the sharing of knowledge and best practices as well as the needs of the participants are brought to the fullest. Additionally, there will be inputs from external experts and excursions.

The convention will be held in the Happi Youth Media Centre in Helsinki, which provides excellent facilities for working with all types of media (desktop publishing, internet, video, audio) and space for constant group facilitation and evaluation to support the learning process.


The target group of MEdiT’11 are young people, who are active in intercultural youth dialogue and exchange and have already gathered experienced non-formal learning and the usage of media as a supportive tool. This event is especially designed for members of the European Youth Parliament and the European Youth Press. However, members from other organisations are welcomed to participate.


MEdiT’11 is supported by the Youth in Action programme. The participation is for free, accommodation and food will be provided by the organisers, travel costs will be partly (up to 70%) reimbursed.


To apply for MEdiT’11, please fill out the application form. The deadline for application is the 3th of July 2011. The selection of the participants will be completed by the 10th of July.

The Official Website

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