Volunteering for MakeDox Documentary Film Festival, Macedonia

Deadline: 1 June 2011
Open to: young people who are not money-driven, willing to volunteer at the event
Dates and Venue: 17 – 24 June 2011, Skopje, Macedonia
Reward: good feeling and participation in the festival

For the first time in June 2010 the Festival of creative documentary film “MakeDox” have been introduced to the Macedonian audience. The early summer days have been enriched with 62 films telling true stories and facing ourselves with the stereotypes, with our own beliefs and prejudices. Wishing also to decentralize the culture, the organizers organized a Travelling Cinema in August and visited 5 Macedonian villages and cities.

The documentary films in Macedonia are mainly perceived as a documentary reportage. As documentary film-lovers, the organizers are willing not only to change that attitude by sharing the best of the global documentary creations but also to create forums where the strong documentary messages will grow through discussions and to stimulate the local and regional documentary production.

That’s why the second edition of “MakeDox” which is up to present day, the only festival of this kind in Macedonia, will offer new creative film stories which will hopefully find their way to the audience.

Last year workshops focusing on the lack of professional experience in the field of documentary film production and distribution were also organized. This year, more emphasis should be put on other real problems in the documentary sector in Macedonia and the region, and would therefore organize two workshops treating the documentary editing and the film critic writing.

This year’s “MakeDox” will be held from June 17 to June 24 in the old part of Skopje. Kurshumli and the Creative Child Center will host not only the numerous film projections, but also the workshops and the various musical activities.

The creation of a rock-solid documentary background is impossible without the creation of a positive attitude toward the documentary film itself especially among children and youth. Raising the awareness and awakening the social responsibility is another long-term goal which will be more easily meet if we have volunteers on our side, people of any age that are already aware and awakened and ready to enthusiastically invest themselves in projects of great importance.

The role of volunteers

The volunteers would help the “MakeDox” not only to spread the voice for the event by distributing leaflets and papering the most frequented city venues but also to deal with the everyday festival activities such as arranging chairs, welcoming the numerous guests, taking photos, selling T-shirts and bags. The volunteers will crusade around the city on bikes provided by the municipality of Skopje, and will have their lunch in the shadow of the beautiful Kurshumli an.

By bringing the young people to a focus, either as an audience or as volunteers, the organisers aim at creating open minds, inspiring critical spirit and encouraging self-expression. They dedicate themselves to “MakeDox” because they undoubtedly believe that we all can contribute towards a better tomorrow, towards better conditions for freedom of expression and human rights.

How to apply

Everyone who is interested should send its name, surname, photo and the title of its favourite documentary film at makedoxvolonteri@gmail.com by June 1st the latest.

Being part of this Open Air Cinema is a unique experience.
That’s why you are more than welcome to be there!

The official webpage.

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