East West EVS, Bulgaria

Deadline: 17 July 2011
Open to: Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth workers from Program Countries, Eastern Europe and Caucasus
Costs: board and lodging costs are covered by the organizers. For travel costs check bellow
Venue: 17 – 23 October 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria

This training course, organized by the Bulgarian National Agency in cooperation with SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Center, aims at developing competences of EVS projects coordinators and mentors in cooperation between Program Countries and EECA region. This is an annual training for youth workers and organizations interested in European Voluntary Service (EVS) projects within Youth in Action program.

* enhance sustainable partnership building;
*strengthen organisations’ capacity building;
* come up with concrete EVS projects ideas;
* share experiences and best practices;
* experience intercultural dimensions of an EVS project; and
* enhance the partnership building capacities between program and EECA countries


This training is open to project managers, youth leaders, youth workers, mentors and coaches of volunteers from Program Countries, Eastern Europe and Caucasus.


Online application


Costs for accommodation and board are fully covered by the Romanian National Agency.
Travel costs for participants from Eastern Europe and Caucasus will be covered fully by organisers on the basis of original tickets and invoices (EECA participants need to cover their insurance as well as visa costs). But, travel costs of participants from Program Countries could be paid by relevant National Agency on its own principles (please check with your own NA before submitting an application).


Maria Marinova-Alkalay
National Center European Youth Programs and Initiaves 125,
Tzarigradsko shosse blvd block 5, 3rd floor, room 323
Sofia 1113
Phone: +359 2 9817775
E-mail: trainings@youthbg.info

Official Webpage

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