Foreign Affairs Students Essay Competition 2011

Deadline: 1 July 2011
Open to: undergraduates students
Award: wining article will be published on Foreign Affairs Website and will receive a prize of $1,000

Foreign Affairs publishes articles by today’s leaders and thinkers that tackle the most pressing issues in international relations. It wants to give tomorrow’s leaders the opportunity to demonstrate innovative thinking on the issues that shape their world. In the second annual Foreign Affairs Essay Contest, a panel from the Foreign Affairs editorial staff will select one undergraduate’s essay to be published on the Foreign Affairs Web site.


Is the decline of the West inevitable?


Open to all undergraduate students of accredited colleges and universities graduating no earlier than May 2011.

Submission of entries

* Submissions should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words.
* All quotations or uncommon facts should be appropriately cited.
* Entries must be original, unpublished work written by contestants themselves.
* Only one essay is allowed per participant.
* Students enrolled in institutions outside the United States should also include in their submission the full address and phone number of the academic department in which they are currently enrolled.

Send your entry by e-mail to:


A panel from the Foreign Affairs editorial staff will select one undergraduate’s essay to be published on the Foreign Affairs Web site. The winner will also receive a prize of $1,000.
Five honorable mentions will receive a free year-long subscription to Foreign Affairs.


Official Webpage

7 thoughts on “Foreign Affairs Students Essay Competition 2011

    1. Hello there,

      The competition is "Open to all undergraduate students of accredited colleges and universities graduating no earlier than May 2011."
      Which means not only US colleges, so the answer is: YES.

      Good luck,


  1. What special spheres should be enlighten in this essay contest? I mean,what kind of decline the organisators hinting at? (economical,political ,terrorism or social declination)Please explain me.Thank you very much.

    1. Dear Jahongir, taking in mind that the institution that announced the competition is "web page publishes articles by today’s leaders and thinkers that tackle the most pressing issues in international relations. It wants to give tomorrow’s leaders the opportunity to demonstrate innovative thinking on the issues that shape their world.", we think that they are expecting to receive an essays that are more focused on political and international relations spheres.

  2. Thanks a lot, on the update about the Essay, pls is this Essay open to Nigerian undergraduates. Secondly, can fresh graduates graduating in May 2011 apply for this essay? Thanks for the update once again, I appreciate!

    1. Dear Emmanuel,

      The country of contestants is not specified, so why not Nigerian undergraduates.

      About fresh graduates in May 2011: unfortunately not, fresh graduates are not allowed – the students of accredited colleges and universities must be undergraduate – which means they must be not graduating, but continuing the studies after May 2011.

      (the Foreign Affair's formulation should be clearer)

      Good luck with other contests.


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